Item ID | Type | Comment | Last Modified |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120019005 | rpminfo_test | php53-cli is earlier than 0:5.3.3-1.el5_7.5 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120019006 | rpminfo_test | php53-cli is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120019008 | rpminfo_test | php53-common is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120019009 | rpminfo_test | php53-dba is earlier than 0:5.3.3-1.el5_7.5 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120033002 | rpminfo_test | php is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease key | 2022-01-15 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120033003 | rpminfo_test | php-bcmath is earlier than 0:5.1.6-27.el5_7.4 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120071002 | rpminfo_test | php is signed with Red Hat master key | 2022-01-15 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120071003 | rpminfo_test | php-devel is earlier than 0:4.3.9-3.35 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120092004 | rpminfo_test | php53-gd is earlier than 0:5.3.3-1.el5_7.6 | 2019-05-31 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120093005 | rpminfo_test | php-domxml is earlier than 0:4.3.9-3.36 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120093058 | rpminfo_test | php-bcmath is earlier than 0:5.3.3-3.el6_2.6 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120093087 | rpminfo_test | php-xml is earlier than 0:5.3.3-3.el6_2.6 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120546002 | rpminfo_test | php is earlier than 0:5.1.6-34.el5_8 | 2018-02-13 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120546044 | rpminfo_test | php-mbstring is earlier than 0:5.3.3-3.el6_2.8 | 2020-06-03 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120547026 | rpminfo_test | php53-gd is earlier than 0:5.3.3-7.el5_8 | 2019-05-31 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20121045002 | rpminfo_test | php is earlier than 0:5.1.6-39.el5_8 | 2019-05-31 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20121046005 | rpminfo_test | php-cli is earlier than 0:5.3.3-14.el6_3 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20121047012 | rpminfo_test | php53-gd is earlier than 0:5.3.3-13.el5_8 | 2019-05-31 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120019010 | rpminfo_test | php53-dba is signed with Red Hat redhatrelease2 key | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120092005 | rpminfo_test | php53-cli is earlier than 0:5.3.3-1.el5_7.6 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120547009 | rpminfo_test | php53-dba is earlier than 0:5.3.3-7.el5_8 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20121047041 | rpminfo_test | php53-xmlrpc is earlier than 0:5.3.3-13.el5_8 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20120092009 | rpminfo_test | php53-dba is earlier than 0:5.3.3-1.el5_7.6 | 2023-03-09 |
oval:com.redhat.rhsa:tst:20121047009 | rpminfo_test | php53-dba is earlier than 0:5.3.3-13.el5_8 | 2023-03-09 |