Oval Definition:oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:def:201777810000000
Revision Date:2018-06-11Version:1
Title:CVE-2017-7781 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic) - medium.
Description:An error occurs in the elliptic curve point addition algorithm that uses mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates where it can yield a result "POINT_AT_INFINITY" when it should not. A man-in-the-middle attacker could use this to interfere with a connection, resulting in an attacked party computing an incorrect shared secret. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 55.
Platform(s):Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Definition Synopsis
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic) is installed.
  • AND Package Information
  • firefox package in bionic was vulnerable but has been fixed (note: '55.0.2+build1-0ubuntu4').
  • OR mozjs38 package in bionic is affected and may need fixing.
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