Item ID | Type | Comment | Last Modified |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:200747740000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist? | 2020-01-20 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201245420000320 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-oracle' package exist? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201431800000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-oracle-5.0' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1007.12~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-24 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2016107230000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1014.14~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2017166440000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1003.3'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103220000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1011.11~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103230000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1022.23'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018121260000360 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1018.18~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018122070000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1025.27~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018146250000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1037.39'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201836390000360 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1012.12'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201901360000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1022.23~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201901550000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-oracle-5.0' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1008.13~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019102200000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-oracle-5.0' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1009.14~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019106380000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1018.19~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019118330000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1025.27~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019148140000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1023.24~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019148350000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1020.21~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019150990000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-oracle-5.0' package exist and is the version less than '5.0.0-1010.15~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201973080000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1014.14~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2017131660000200 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1013.13'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2017131680000170 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1031.32'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2017136950000200 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1023.24'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2017179750000150 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1008.8'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018108530000200 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1025.26'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201810870000100 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1004.4'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018109020000190 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1036.38'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201810940000190 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1014.14'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018168800000190 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1013.13~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018189550000190 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1035.36'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201836200000170 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1021.21'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:201853900000150 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.15.0-1019.19'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019111910000240 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1019.19~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019114770000240 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1020.20~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2019114790000240 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1023.24~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |