Item ID | Type | Comment | Last Modified |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103220000030 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1011.11~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103220000340 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1011.11~18.04.1'? | 2020-01-26 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103220000360 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1011.11~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-21 |
oval:com.ubuntu.bionic:tst:2018103220000380 | dpkginfo_test | Does the 'linux-signed-azure' package exist and is the version less than '4.18.0-1011.11~18.04.1'? | 2020-03-26 |