Oval Definition:oval:com.ubuntu.xenial:def:20150886000
Revision Date:2015-02-27Version:1
Title:CVE-2015-0886 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (xenial) - high.
Description:Integer overflow in the crypt_raw method in the key-stretching implementation in jBCrypt before 0.4 makes it easier for remote attackers to determine cleartext values of password hashes via a brute-force attack against hashes associated with the maximum exponent.
Platform(s):Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Definition Synopsis
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (xenial) is installed.
  • AND NOT While related to the CVE in some way, the 'libjbcrypt-java' package in xenial is not affected (note: '0.4-2').
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