Oval Definition:oval:org.cisecurity:def:1222
Revision Date:2016-11-10Version:12
Title:HPE HP-UX running CIFS Server (Samba), Remote Denial of Service (DoS), Disclosure of Information, Unauthorized Access
Description:The NETLOGON service in Samba 3.x and 4.x before 4.2.11, 4.3.x before 4.3.8, and 4.4.x before 4.4.2, when a domain controller is configured, allows remote attackers to spoof the computer name of a secure channel's endpoint, and obtain sensitive session information, by running a crafted application and leveraging the ability to sniff network traffic, a related issue to CVE-2015-0005.
Platform(s):HP-UX 11
Definition Synopsis
  • HP-UX B.11.31
  • AND filesets test
  • CIFS-Development.CIFS-PRG version is less than A.03.02.07
  • OR CIFS-Server.CIFS-ADMIN version is less than A.03.02.07
  • OR CIFS-Server.CIFS-DOC version is less than A.03.02.07
  • OR CIFS-Server.CIFS-LIB version is less than A.03.02.07
  • OR CIFS-Server.CIFS-RUN version is less than A.03.02.07
  • OR CIFS-Server.CIFS-UTIL version is less than A.03.02.07
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