Oval Definition:oval:org.cisecurity:def:1324
Revision Date:2016-11-25Version:9
Title:Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 mishandles changes from 'INPUT type="password"' to 'INPUT type="text"' within a single Session Manager session - CVE-2016-5260
Description:Mozilla Firefox before 48.0 mishandles changes from 'INPUT type="password"' to 'INPUT type="text"' within a single Session Manager session, which might allow attackers to discover cleartext passwords by reading a session restoration file.
Platform(s):Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows XP
Product(s):Mozilla Firefox
Definition Synopsis
  • Mozilla Firefox Mainline release is installed
  • AND Check if Mozilla Firefox Mainline version less than 48.0
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