Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:13814
Revision Date:2014-06-23Version:20
Title:DSA-1755-1 systemtap -- race condition
Description:Erik Sjoelund discovered that a race condition in the stap tool shipped by Systemtap, an instrumentation system for Linux 2.6, allows local privilege escalation for members of the stapusr group. The old stable distribution isn’t affected. For the stable distribution, this problem has been fixed in version 0.0.20080705-1+lenny1. For the unstable distribution, this problem has been fixed in version 0.0.20090314-2. We recommend that you upgrade your systemtap package.
Platform(s):Debian GNU/Linux 5.0
Definition Synopsis
  • Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 is installed
  • AND Supported architectures section
  • Installed architecture is s390
  • OR Installed architecture is amd64
  • OR Installed architecture is powerpc
  • OR Installed architecture is i386
  • OR Installed architecture is ia64
  • OR Installed architecture is arm
  • AND systemtap DPKG is earlier than 0.0.20080705-1+lenny1
  • BACK