Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:14804
Revision Date:2015-04-20Version:28
Title:HP-UX Apache Web Server, Remote Denial of Service (DoS)
Description:Stack consumption vulnerability in the fnmatch implementation in apr_fnmatch.c in the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library before 1.4.3 and the Apache HTTP Server before 2.2.18, and in fnmatch.c in libc in NetBSD 5.1, OpenBSD 4.8, FreeBSD, Apple Mac OS X 10.6, Oracle Solaris 10, and Android, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via *? sequences in the first argument, as demonstrated by attacks against mod_autoindex in httpd.
Platform(s):HP-UX 11
Definition Synopsis
  • platforms
  • HP-UX B.11.23
  • OR HP-UX B.11.31
  • AND filesets tests
  • hpuxws22APACHE.APACHE version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.WEBPROXY2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.APACHE version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.APACHE2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.AUTH_LDAP version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.APACHE2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.AUTH_LDAP2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.AUTH_LDAP version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.AUTH_LDAP2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.MOD_JK version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.MOD_JK2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.MOD_JK version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.MOD_JK2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.MOD_PERL version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.MOD_PERL2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.MOD_PERL version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.PHP version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.MOD_PERL2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.WEBPROXY version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.PHP2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.PHP version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APACHE.WEBPROXY version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.PHP2 version is less than B.
  • OR hpuxws22APCH32.WEBPROXY2 version is less than B.
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