Description: | Two issues have been found in the Apache HTTPD web server: CVE-2011-3192 A vulnerability has been found in the way the multiple overlapping ranges are handled by the Apache HTTPD server. This vulnerability allows an attacker to cause Apache HTTPD to use an excessive amount of memory, causing a denial of service. CVE-2010-1452 A vulnerability has been found in mod_dav that allows an attacker to cause a daemon crash, causing a denial of service. This issue only affects the Debian 5.0 oldstable/lenny distribution. For the oldstable distribution, these problems have been fixed in version 2.2.9-10+lenny10. For the stable distribution, this problem has been fixed in version 2.2.16-6+squeeze2. For the testing distribution, this problem will be fixed soon. For the unstable distribution, this problem has been fixed in version 2.2.19-2. We recommend that you upgrade your apache2 packages. This update also contains updated apache2-mpm-itk packages which have been recompiled against the updated apache2 packages. The new version number |