Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:18540
Revision Date:2014-06-23Version:9
Title:DSA-2749-1 asterisk - several
Description:Colin Cuthbertson and Walter Doekes discovered two vulnerabilities in the SIP processing code of Asterisk - an open source PBX and telephony toolkit -, which could result in denial of service.
Platform(s):Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 6.0
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 7
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0
Debian GNU/Linux 7
Definition Synopsis
  • Release section
  • Debian 6.0 is installed
  • AND GNU/Linux or GNU/kFreeBSD kernel
  • Debian GNU/Linux is installed
  • OR Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is installed
  • AND asterisk DPKG is earlier than 1:
  • Release section
  • Debian 7 is installed
  • AND GNU/Linux or GNU/kFreeBSD kernel
  • Debian GNU/Linux is installed
  • OR Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is installed
  • AND asterisk DPKG is earlier than 1:
  • BACK