Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:213
Revision Date:2011-10-03Version:44
Title:Windows 2000 Messenger Service Buffer Overflow
Description:The Messenger Service for Windows NT through Server 2003 does not properly verify the length of the message, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a buffer overflow attack.
Platform(s):Microsoft Windows 2000
Product(s):Messenger Service
Definition Synopsis
  • Software section
  • Windows 2000 is installed
  • AND the version of msgsvc.dll is less than 5.0.2195.6861
  • AND the version of wkssvc.dll is less than 5.0.2195.6861
  • AND NOT the patch q828035 is installed (Hotfix key)
  • AND Configuration section
  • the messenger service is enabled
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