Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:21881
Revision Date:2014-02-24Version:44
Title:RHSA-2011:0910: ruby security update (Moderate)
Description:The safe-level feature in Ruby 1.8.6 through 1.8.6-420, 1.8.7 through 1.8.7-330, and 1.8.8dev allows context-dependent attackers to modify strings via the Exception#to_s method, as demonstrated by changing an intended pathname.
Platform(s):Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Definition Synopsis
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • AND Packages section
  • ruby is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-rdoc is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-devel is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-tcltk is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-docs is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-static is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-libs is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-irb is earlier than 0:
  • OR ruby-ri is earlier than 0:
  • BACK