Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:24802
Revision Date:2014-07-21Version:11
Title:RHSA-2014:0561: curl security and bug fix update (Moderate)
Description:cURL provides the libcurl library and a command line tool for downloadingfiles from servers using various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and LDAP.It was found that libcurl could incorrectly reuse existing connections forrequests that should have used different or no authentication credentials,when using one of the following protocols: HTTP(S) with NTLMauthentication, LDAP(S), SCP, or SFTP. If an application using the libcurllibrary connected to a remote server with certain authenticationcredentials, this flaw could cause other requests to use those samecredentials. (CVE-2014-0015, CVE-2014-0138)Red Hat would like to thank the cURL project for reporting these issues.Upstream acknowledges Paras Sethia as the original reporter ofCVE-2014-0015 and Yehezkel Horowitz for discovering the security impact ofthis issue, and Steve Holme as the original reporter of CVE-2014-0138.This update also fixes the following bugs:* Previously, the libcurl library was closing a network socket withoutfirst terminating the SSL connection using the socket. This resulted in awrite after close and consequent leakage of memory dynamically allocated bythe SSL library. An upstream patch has been applied on libcurl to fix thisbug. As a result, the write after close no longer happens, and the SSLlibrary no longer leaks memory. (BZ#1092479)* Previously, the libcurl library did not implement a non-blocking SSLhandshake, which negatively affected performance of applications based onlibcurl's multi API. To fix this bug, the non-blocking SSL handshake hasbeen implemented by libcurl. With this update, libcurl's multi APIimmediately returns the control back to the application whenever it cannotread/write data from/to the underlying network socket. (BZ#1092480)* Previously, the curl package could not be rebuilt from sources due to anexpired cookie in the upstream test-suite, which runs during the build. Anupstream patch has been applied to postpone the expiration date of thecookie, which makes it possible to rebuild the package from sources again.(BZ#1092486)* Previously, the libcurl library attempted to authenticate using Kerberoswhenever such an authentication method was offered by the server. Thiscaused problems when the server offered multiple authentication methods andKerberos was not the selected one. An upstream patch has been applied onlibcurl to fix this bug. Now libcurl no longer uses Kerberos authenticationif another authentication method is selected. (BZ#1096797)All curl users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, whichcontain backported patches to correct these issues. All runningapplications that use libcurl have to be restarted for this update totake effect.
Platform(s):CentOS Linux 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Definition Synopsis
  • Redhat 6 or Centos 6 release
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • OR The operating system installed on the system is CentOS Linux 6.x
  • AND Packages section
  • curl is earlier than 0:7.19.7-37.el6_5.3
  • OR libcurl is earlier than 0:7.19.7-37.el6_5.3
  • OR libcurl-devel is earlier than 0:7.19.7-37.el6_5.3
  • BACK