Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:25452
Revision Date:2014-09-08Version:5
Title:SUSE-SU-2014:0524-1 -- Security update for net-snmp
Description:The net-snmp remote service received security and bugfixes: * A remote denial of service flaw in Linuximplementation of ICMP-MIB has been fixed (CVE-2014-2284) * snmptrapd could have crashed when using a trap withempty community string. This has been fixed. (CVE-2014-2285) * The AgentX subagent of net-snmp could have beenstalled when a manager sent a multi-object request with adifferent number of subids. (CVE-2014-2310)
Platform(s):SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Definition Synopsis
  • Operation system section
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.x is installed
  • OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11.x is installed
  • AND Packages match section
  • libsnmp15 RPM is earlier than 0:
  • OR net-snmp RPM is earlier than 0:
  • OR perl-SNMP RPM is earlier than 0:
  • OR snmp-mibs RPM is earlier than 0:
  • OR libsnmp15-32bit RPM is earlier than 0:
  • BACK