Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:26996
Revision Date:2014-12-08Version:3
Title:RHSA-2011:1615 -- virt-v2v security and bug fix update (Low)
Description:virt-v2v is a tool for converting and importing virtual machines tolibvirt-managed KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), or Red Hat EnterpriseVirtualization.Using virt-v2v to convert a guest that has a password-protected VNC consoleto a KVM guest removed that password protection from the converted guest:after conversion, a password was not required to access the convertedguest's VNC console. Now, converted guests will require the same VNCconsole password as the original guest. Note that when converting a guestto run on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, virt-v2v will display awarning that VNC passwords are not supported. (CVE-2011-1773)Note: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 perl-Sys-Virt update must also beinstalled to correct CVE-2011-1773.Bug fixes:* When converting a guest virtual machine (VM), whose name containedcertain characters, virt-v2v would create a converted guest with acorrupted name. Now, virt-v2v will not corrupt guest names. (BZ#665883)* There were numerous usability issues when running virt-v2v as a non-rootuser. This update makes it simpler to run virt-v2v as a non-root user.(BZ#671094)* virt-v2v failed to convert a Microsoft Windows guest with WindowsRecovery Console installed in a separate partition. Now, virt-v2v willsuccessfully convert a guest with Windows Recovery Console installed in aseparate partition by ignoring that partition. (BZ#673066)* virt-v2v failed to convert a Red Hat Enterprise Linux guest which did nothave the symlink "/boot/grub/menu.lst". With this update, virt-v2v canselect a grub configuration file from several places. (BZ#694364)* This update removes information about the usage of deprecated commandline options in the virt-v2v man page. (BZ#694370)* virt-v2v would fail to correctly change the allocation policy, (sparse orpreallocated) when converting a guest with QCOW2 image format. The errormessage "Cannot import VM, The selected disk configuration is notsupported" was displayed. With this update, allocation policy changes to aguest with QCOW2 storage will work correctly. (BZ#696089)* The options "--network" and "--bridge" can not be used in conjunctionwhen converting a guest, but no error message was displayed. With thisupdate, virt-v2v will now display an error message if the mutuallyexclusive "--network" and "--bridge" command line options are bothspecified. (BZ#700759)* virt-v2v failed to convert a multi-boot guest, and did not clean uptemporary storage and mount points after failure. With this update,virt-v2v will prompt for which operating system to convert from amulti-boot guest, and will correctly clean up if the process fails.(BZ#702007)* virt-v2v failed to correctly configure modprobe aliases when converting aVMware ESX guest with VMware Tools installed. With this update, modprobealiases will be correctly configured. (BZ#707261)* When converting a guest with preallocated raw storage using thelibvirtxml input method, virt-v2v failed with the erroneous error message"size(X) < usage(Y)". This update removes this erroneous error. (BZ#727489)* When converting a Red Hat Enterprise Linux guest, virt-v2v did not checkthat the Cirrus X driver was available before configuring it. With thisupdate, virt-v2v will attempt to install the Cirrus X driver if it isrequired. (BZ#708961)* VirtIO systems do not support the Windows Recovery Console on 32-bitWindows XP. The virt-v2v man page has been updated to note this. On WindowsXP Professional x64 Edition, however, if Windows Recovery Console isre-installed after conversion, it will work as expected. (BZ#732421)* Placing comments in the guest fstab file by means of the leading "#"symbol caused an "unknown filesystem" error after conversion of a guest.With this update comments can now be used and error messages will not bedisplayed. (BZ#677870)Users of virt-v2v should upgrade to this updated package, which fixes theseissues and upgrades virt-v2v to version 0.8.3.
Platform(s):Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Definition Synopsis
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • AND virt-v2v is earlier than 0:0.8.3-5.el6
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