Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:27101
Revision Date:2015-04-13Version:12
Title:RHSA-2014:1606: file security and bug fix update (Moderate)
Description:The "file" command is used to identify a particular file according to thetype of data contained in the file. The command can identify various filetypes, including ELF binaries, system libraries, RPM packages, anddifferent graphics formats.Multiple denial of service flaws were found in the way file parsed certainComposite Document Format (CDF) files. A remote attacker could use eitherof these flaws to crash file, or an application using file, via a speciallycrafted CDF file. (CVE-2014-0237, CVE-2014-0238, CVE-2014-3479,CVE-2014-3480, CVE-2012-1571)Two denial of service flaws were found in the way file handled indirect andsearch rules. A remote attacker could use either of these flaws to causefile, or an application using file, to crash or consume an excessive amountof CPU. (CVE-2014-1943, CVE-2014-2270)This update also fixes the following bugs:* Previously, the output of the "file" command contained redundant whitespaces. With this update, the new STRING_TRIM flag has been introduced toremove the unnecessary white spaces. (BZ#664513)* Due to a bug, the "file" command could incorrectly identify an XMLdocument as a LaTex document. The underlying source code has been modifiedto fix this bug and the command now works as expected. (BZ#849621)* Previously, the "file" command could not recognize .JPG files andincorrectly labeled them as "Minix filesystem". This bug has been fixed andthe command now properly detects .JPG files. (BZ#873997)* Under certain circumstances, the "file" command incorrectly detectedNETpbm files as "x86 boot sector". This update applies a patch to fix thisbug and the command now detects NETpbm files as expected. (BZ#884396)* Previously, the "file" command incorrectly identified ASCII text files asa .PIC image file. With this update, a patch has been provided to addressthis bug and the command now correctly recognizes ASCII text files.(BZ#980941)* On 32-bit PowerPC systems, the "from" field was missing from the outputof the "file" command. The underlying source code has been modified to fixthis bug and "file" output now contains the "from" field as expected.(BZ#1037279)* The "file" command incorrectly detected text files as "RRDTool DB versionool - Round Robin Database Tool". This update applies a patch to fix thisbug and the command now correctly detects text files. (BZ#1064463)* Previously, the "file" command supported only version 1 and 2 of the QCOWformat. As a consequence, file was unable to detect a "qcow2 compat=1.1"file created on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. With this update, support forQCOW version 3 has been added so that the command now detects such files asexpected. (BZ#1067771)All file users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, whichcontain backported patches to correct these issues.
Platform(s):CentOS Linux 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Definition Synopsis
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS Linux 6 release section
  • Operation system section
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • OR The operating system installed on the system is CentOS Linux 6.x
  • AND Packages match section
  • file is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • OR file-devel is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • OR file-libs is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • OR file-static is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • OR python-magic is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 release section
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • AND file-debuginfo is earlier than 0:5.04-21.el6
  • BACK