Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:29066
Revision Date:2015-08-17Version:4
Title:RHSA-2008:0597 -- firefox security update (Critical)
Description:Updated firefox packages that fix various security issues are now availablefor Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.This update has been rated as having critical security impact by the RedHat Security Response Team.The nspluginwrapper package has been added to this advisory to satisfy amissing package dependency issue.Mozilla Firefox is an open source Web browser.An integer overflow flaw was found in the way Firefox displayed certain webcontent. A malicious web site could cause Firefox to crash, or executearbitrary code with the permissions of the user running Firefox.(CVE-2008-2785)A flaw was found in the way Firefox handled certain command line URLs. Ifanother application passed Firefox a malformed URL, it could result inFirefox executing local malicious content with chrome privileges.(CVE-2008-2933)All firefox users should upgrade to these updated packages, which containFirefox 3.0.1 that corrects these issues.
Status:ACCEPTEDReference(s):CESA-2008:0597-CentOS 5
Platform(s):CentOS Linux 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Definition Synopsis
  • The operating system installed on the system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  • AND Packages match section
  • devhelp-devel is earlier than 0:0.12-18.el5
  • OR xulrunner-devel is earlier than 0:
  • OR xulrunner-devel-unstable is earlier than 0:
  • OR devhelp is earlier than 0:0.12-18.el5
  • OR firefox is earlier than 0:3.0.1-1.el5
  • OR nspluginwrapper is earlier than 0:
  • OR xulrunner is earlier than 0:
  • OR yelp is earlier than 0:2.16.0-20.el5
  • BACK