Oval Definition:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:361
Revision Date:2014-02-24Version:44
Title:IE v5.01,SP2 Script URLs Cross Domain Zone Restrictions Bypass
Description:Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and earlier allows remote attackers to bypass zone restrictions by (1) using the NavigateAndFind method to load a file: URL containing Javascript, as demonstrated by NAFfileJPU, (2) using the window.open method to load a file: URL containing Javascript, as demonstrated using WsOpenFileJPU, (3) setting the href property in the base tag for the _search window, as demonstrated using WsBASEjpu, (4) loading the search window into an Iframe, as demonstrated using WsFakeSrc, (5) caching a javascript: URL in the browser history, then accessing that URL in the same frame as the target domain, as demonstrated using WsOpenJpuInHistory, NAFjpuInHistory, BackMyParent, BackMyParent2, and RefBack, aka the "Script URLs Cross Domain" vulnerability.
Platform(s):Microsoft Windows 2000
Product(s):Microsoft Internet Explorer
Definition Synopsis
  • Software section
  • Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 is installed
  • AND the version of mshtml.dll is less than 5.0.3523.1700
  • AND NOT the patch q824145 is installed (Installed Components key)
  • AND Configuration section
  • ActiveX controls and active scripting are enabled
  • current user settings are being used and ActiveX controls and active scripting are enabled
  • NOT use machine settings rather than individual user settings
  • AND ActiveX controls are enabled for the current user
  • AND active scripting is enabled for the current user
  • OR local machine settings are being used and ActiveX controls and active scripting are enabled
  • use machine settings rather than individual user settings
  • AND ActiveX controls are enabled for the local machine
  • AND active scripting is enabled for the local machine
  • BACK