Title: | The tsearch2 module in PostgreSQL 7.4 through 8.0.x declares the (1) dex_init, (2) snb_en_init, (3) snb_ru_init, (4) spell_init, and (5) syn_init functions as "internal" even when they do not take an internal argument, which allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly have other impacts via SQL commands that call other functions that accept internal arguments. |
Description: | The tsearch2 module in PostgreSQL 7.4 through 8.0.x declares the (1) dex_init, (2) snb_en_init, (3) snb_ru_init, (4) spell_init, and (5) syn_init functions as "internal" even when they do not take an internal argument, which allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly have other impacts via SQL commands that call other functions that accept internal arguments. |