Item ID | Type | Comment | Last Modified |
oval:org.mitre.oval:tst:77025 | file_test | Determine if the version of Java Runtime Environment is greater than or equal to 1.6.0:update_10 and less than 1.6.0:update_20 | 2019-10-26 |
oval:org.mitre.oval:tst:77225 | file_test | Determine if the version of Java Development Kit is greater than or equal to 1.6.0:update10 and less than 1.6.0:update20 | 2019-10-26 |
oval:org.mitre.oval:tst:77592 | file_test | Determine if the version of Java Development Kit is greater than or equal to 1.6.0:update_10 and less than 1.6.0:update_20 | 2019-10-26 |
oval:org.mitre.oval:tst:78109 | file_test | Determine if the version of Java Runtime Environment is greater than or equal to 1.6.0:update_10 and less than 1.6.0:update_20 | 2019-10-26 |