Update to Salt release version 3002.2 (jsc#ECO-3212, jsc#SLE-18033, jsc#SLE-18028)
* - Check if dpkgnotify is executable (bsc#1186674) - Drop support for Python2. Obsoletes `python2-salt` package (jsc#SLE-18028) - virt module updates * network: handle missing ipv4 netmask attribute * more network support * PCI/USB host devices passthrough support - Set distro requirement to oldest supported version in requirements/base.txt - Bring missing part of async batch implementation back (CVE-2021-25315, bsc#1182382) - Always require `python3-distro` (bsc#1182293) - Remove deprecated warning that breaks minion execution when 'server_id_use_crc' opts is missing - Fix pkg states when DEB package has 'all' arch - Do not force beacons configuration to be a list. - Remove msgpack < 1.0.0 from base requirements (bsc#1176293) - msgpack support for version >= 1.0.0 (bsc#1171257) - Fix issue parsing errors in ansiblegate state module - Prevent command injection in the snapper module (bsc#1185281, CVE-2021-31607) - transactional_update: detect recursion in the executor - Add subpackage salt-transactional-update (jsc#SLE-18033) - Improvements on 'ansiblegate' module (bsc#1185092): * New methods: ansible.targets / ansible.discover_playbooks - Add support for Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 (Aliyun Linux) - Regression fix of salt-ssh on processing targets - Update target fix for salt-ssh and avoiding race condition on salt-ssh event processing (bsc#1179831, bsc#1182281) - Add notify beacon for Debian/Ubuntu systems - Fix zmq bug that causes salt-call to freeze (bsc#1181368)
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