Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:109472
Revision Date:2020-10-16Version:1
Title:Security update for php7 (Important)

This update for php7 fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2020-7069: Fixed an issue when AES-CCM mode was used with openssl_encrypt() function with 12 bytes IV, only first 7 bytes of the IV was used (bsc#1177351). - CVE-2020-7070: Fixed an issue where percent-encoded cookies could have been used to overwrite existing prefixed cookie names (bsc#1177352).
Platform(s):SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Storage 7
SUSE Manager Proxy 4.1
SUSE Manager Server 4.1
Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • apache2-mod_php7-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-bcmath-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-bz2-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-calendar-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-ctype-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-curl-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-dba-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-devel-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-dom-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-enchant-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-exif-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-fastcgi-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-fileinfo-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-fpm-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-ftp-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-gd-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-gettext-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-gmp-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-iconv-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-intl-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-json-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-ldap-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-mbstring-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-mysql-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-odbc-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-opcache-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-openssl-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-pcntl-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-pdo-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-pgsql-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-phar-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-posix-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-readline-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-shmop-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-snmp-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-soap-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sockets-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sodium-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sqlite-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvmsg-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvsem-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvshm-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-tidy-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-tokenizer-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlreader-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlrpc-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlwriter-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-xsl-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-zip-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • OR php7-zlib-7.4.6-3.11.1 is installed
  • BACK