Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:19923
Revision Date:2020-12-01Version:1
Title:Security update for java-1_7_1-ibm (Moderate)

This update for java-1_7_1-ibm fixes the following issues:

Security issue fixed: - CVE-2016-2183: The DES and Triple DES ciphers, as used in the TLS, SSH, and IPSec protocols and other protocols and products, have a birthday bound of approximately four billion blocks, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain cleartext data via a birthday attack against a long-duration encrypted session, as demonstrated by an HTTPS session using Triple DES in CBC mode, aka a 'Sweet32' attack. (bsc#1027038)
Platform(s):openSUSE Leap 42.1
openSUSE Leap 42.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Sale 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 5
Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.1 is installed
  • AND apache-commons-daemon-1.0.15-11.2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • NetworkManager-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR NetworkManager-devel-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR libnm-glib-vpn1-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR libnm-glib4-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR libnm-util2-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR libnm0-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • OR typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0-1.0.12-3.2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libldb1-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libldb1-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtalloc1-3.4.3-1.50 is installed
  • OR libtalloc1-32bit-3.4.3-1.50 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-client-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-client-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-doc-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-krb-printing-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-32bit-3.6.3-0.33.39 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libxml2-2.7.6-0.34 is installed
  • OR libxml2-32bit-2.7.6-0.34 is installed
  • OR libxml2-python-2.7.6-0.34 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND cabextract-1.2-2.12 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libgudev-1_0-0-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR libgudev-1_0-0-32bit-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR libudev1-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR libudev1-32bit-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR systemd-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR systemd-32bit-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR systemd-bash-completion-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR systemd-sysvinit-210-44.1 is installed
  • OR udev-210-44.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND facter-2.0.2-6.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND cvs-1.12.12-181.63 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • at-3.1.14-7.3 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-4.8.6+2.3.3-3.1 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-32bit-4.8.6+2.3.3-3.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-2.32.1-16.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-32bit-2.32.1-16.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-lang-2.32.1-16.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND rubygem-bundler-1.7.0-0.7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND ctdb- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • compat-openssl098-0.9.8j-73 is installed
  • OR libopenssl0_9_8-0.9.8j-73 is installed
  • OR libopenssl0_9_8-32bit-0.9.8j-73 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kernel-ec2-3.12.61-52.66 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.12.61-52.66 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-extra-3.12.61-52.66 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • apache2-mod_php7-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-bcmath-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-bz2-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-calendar-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-ctype-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-curl-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-dba-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-dom-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-enchant-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-exif-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-fastcgi-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-fileinfo-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-fpm-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-ftp-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-gd-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-gettext-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-gmp-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-iconv-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-imap-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-intl-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-json-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-ldap-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-mbstring-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-mcrypt-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-mysql-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-odbc-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-opcache-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-openssl-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pcntl-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pdo-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pear-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pear-Archive_Tar-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pgsql-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-phar-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-posix-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-pspell-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-shmop-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-snmp-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-soap-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-sockets-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-sqlite-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvmsg-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvsem-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-sysvshm-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-tokenizer-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-wddx-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlreader-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlrpc-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-xmlwriter-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-xsl-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-zip-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • OR php7-zlib-7.0.7-15 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Sale 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND LibVNCServer-0.9.1-160.6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 is installed
  • AND
  • glibc-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-devel-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-devel-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-html-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-i18ndata-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-info-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR nscd-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 is installed
  • AND
  • glibc-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-devel-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-devel-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-html-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-i18ndata-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-info-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-locale-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-32bit-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-profile-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR glibc-x86-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • OR nscd-2.9-13.11 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • gnutls-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls-extra26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-32bit-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-x86-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • gnutls-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls-extra26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-32bit-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-x86-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • gnutls-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls-extra26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-32bit-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-x86-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • gnutls-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls-extra26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-32bit-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • OR libgnutls26-x86-2.4.1-24.39.39 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • libexif-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-32bit-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-x86-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libexif-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-32bit-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-x86-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • libexif-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-32bit-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-x86-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libexif-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-32bit-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • OR libexif-x86-0.6.17-2.14 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • hplip-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR hplip-hpijs-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • hplip-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR hplip-hpijs-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • hplip-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR hplip-hpijs-3.11.10-0.6.7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libQtWebKit4-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-32bit-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-x86-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-32bit-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-qt3support-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-qt3support-32bit-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-qt3support-x86-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-sql-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-sql-32bit-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-sql-mysql-4.6.3-5.10 is installed
  • OR libqt4-sql-sqlite-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-sql-x86-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-x11-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-x11-32bit-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-x11-x86-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR libqt4-x86-4.6.3-5.12 is installed
  • OR qt4-x11-tools-4.6.3-5.10 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND
  • rhn-virtualization-common-5.4.15-0.15 is installed
  • OR rhn-virtualization-host-5.4.15-0.15 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-actions-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-client-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-management-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND
  • rhn-virtualization-common-5.4.15-0.15 is installed
  • OR rhn-virtualization-host-5.4.15-0.15 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-actions-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-client-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • OR rhncfg-management-5.9.33-0.20 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.6ESVR11W1-0.9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-52.7.3esr-78.20 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.7.3esr-78.20 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-52.7.3esr-78.20 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.7.3esr-78.20 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.9esr-0.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.9 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.9 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.9 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-17.0.4esr-0.5 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.9.5-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.14.2-0.4.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • MozillaFirefox-10.0.2-0.4 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-10.0.2-0.4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-24.5.0esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-24-0.4.10 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-24.5.0esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-devel-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-devel-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-24.5.0esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-24-0.4.10 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-24.5.0esr-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-devel-4.10.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-devel-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.16-0.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • libwsman1-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-client-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-server-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libwsman1-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-client-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-server-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • libwsman1-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-client-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-server-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libwsman1-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-client-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-server-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • libwsman1-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-client-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • OR openwsman-server-2.2.3-0.8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • apache2-mod_php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bcmath-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bz2-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-calendar-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ctype-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-curl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dba-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dom-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-exif-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fastcgi-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fileinfo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ftp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gd-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gettext-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-iconv-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-intl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-json-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ldap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mbstring-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mcrypt-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mysql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-odbc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-openssl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pcntl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pdo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pear-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pgsql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pspell-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-shmop-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-snmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-soap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-suhosin-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvmsg-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvsem-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvshm-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-tokenizer-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-wddx-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlreader-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlrpc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlwriter-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xsl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zip-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zlib-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • apache2-mod_php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bcmath-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bz2-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-calendar-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ctype-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-curl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dba-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dom-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-exif-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fastcgi-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fileinfo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ftp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gd-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gettext-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-iconv-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-intl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-json-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ldap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mbstring-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mcrypt-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mysql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-odbc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-openssl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pcntl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pdo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pear-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pgsql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pspell-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-shmop-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-snmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-soap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-suhosin-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvmsg-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvsem-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvshm-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-tokenizer-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-wddx-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlreader-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlrpc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlwriter-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xsl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zip-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zlib-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • apache2-mod_php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bcmath-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-bz2-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-calendar-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ctype-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-curl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dba-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-dom-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-exif-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fastcgi-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-fileinfo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ftp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gd-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gettext-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-gmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-iconv-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-intl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-json-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-ldap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mbstring-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mcrypt-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-mysql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-odbc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-openssl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pcntl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pdo-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pear-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pgsql-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-pspell-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-shmop-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-snmp-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-soap-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-suhosin-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvmsg-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvsem-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-sysvshm-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-tokenizer-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-wddx-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlreader-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlrpc-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xmlwriter-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-xsl-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zip-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • OR php53-zlib-5.3.17-0.31 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.2.3_08_3.0.101_0.8-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.2.3_08-0.7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • pam_krb5-2.3.1-47.12.1 is installed
  • OR pam_krb5-32bit-2.3.1-47.12.1 is installed
  • OR pam_krb5-x86-2.3.1-47.12.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • rhnlib- is installed
  • OR spacecmd- is installed
  • OR spacewalk-backend- is installed
  • OR spacewalk-backend-libs- is installed
  • OR spacewalk-check- is installed
  • OR spacewalk-client-setup- is installed
  • OR spacewalk-client-tools- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • ldapsmb-1.34b-90 is installed
  • OR libldb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-doc-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-krb-printing-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • ldapsmb-1.34b-90 is installed
  • OR libldb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-doc-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-krb-printing-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • ldapsmb-1.34b-90 is installed
  • OR libldb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-doc-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-krb-printing-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • ldapsmb-1.34b-90 is installed
  • OR libldb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libsmbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtalloc2-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtdb1-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libtevent0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR libwbclient0-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-client-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-doc-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-krb-printing-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • OR samba-winbind-32bit-3.6.3-90 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-45.7.0esr-65 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.7.0esr-65 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-45.7.0esr-65 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.7.0esr-65 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.36.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libssh2-1-1.2.9- is installed
  • OR libssh2_org-1.2.9- is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libssh2-1-1.2.9- is installed
  • OR libssh2_org-1.2.9- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-x86-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-x86-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.33 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • ruby-1.8.7.p357-0.9.17 is installed
  • OR ruby-doc-html-1.8.7.p357-0.9.17 is installed
  • OR ruby-tk-1.8.7.p357-0.9.17 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND
  • cobbler-2.2.2-0.68.3 is installed
  • OR koan-2.2.2-0.68.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND
  • cobbler-2.2.2-0.68.3 is installed
  • OR koan-2.2.2-0.68.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • evince-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • OR evince-doc-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • OR evince-lang-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • evince-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • OR evince-doc-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • OR evince-lang-2.28.2-0.7.8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY is installed
  • AND
  • libopenssl1-devel-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-32bit-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-x86-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR openssl1-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR openssl1-doc-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY is installed
  • AND
  • libopenssl1-devel-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-32bit-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR libopenssl1_0_0-x86-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR openssl1-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • OR openssl1-doc-1.0.1g-0.58.9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
  • AND tcpdump-4.5.1-4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 is installed
  • AND tcpdump-4.5.1-4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • cpio-2.11-26 is installed
  • OR cpio-lang-2.11-26 is installed
  • OR tar-1.27.1-2 is installed
  • OR tar-lang-1.27.1-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • libXpm-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • OR libXpm4-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • OR libXpm4-32bit-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • libXpm-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • OR libXpm4-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • OR libXpm4-32bit-3.5.11-5 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • tomcat-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-admin-webapps-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-docs-webapp-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-el-3_0-api-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-javadoc-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-jsp-2_3-api-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-lib-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-servlet-3_1-api-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • OR tomcat-webapps-8.0.32-8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_57-default-4-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_57-xen-4-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP1_Update_20-4-2 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_57-default-4-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_57-xen-4-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP1_Update_20-4-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr3.60-31 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND perl-DBD-mysql-4.021-11 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.30-38.26 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • apache2-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-doc-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-example-pages-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-prefork-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-utils-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-worker-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • apache2-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-doc-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-example-pages-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-prefork-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-utils-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • OR apache2-worker-2.4.23-29.18 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_103-92_56-default-6-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_17-6-2 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_103-92_56-default-6-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_17-6-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_90-92_45-default-7-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_14-7-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.7.2-109.80 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • libxml2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-2-32bit-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-doc-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-tools-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR python-libxml2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • libxml2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-2-32bit-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-doc-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR libxml2-tools-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • OR python-libxml2-2.9.4-46.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • xerces-j2-2.8.1-268.6.2 is installed
  • OR xerces-j2-xml-apis-2.8.1-268.6.2 is installed
  • OR xerces-j2-xml-resolver-2.8.1-268.6.2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • bzip2-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR bzip2-doc-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-32bit-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • bzip2-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR bzip2-doc-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-32bit-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • libecpg6-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR libpq5-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR libpq5-32bit-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-contrib-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-docs-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-libs-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-plperl-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-plpython-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-pltcl-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-server-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • libecpg6-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR libpq5-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR libpq5-32bit-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-contrib-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-docs-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-libs-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-plperl-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-plpython-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-pltcl-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • OR postgresql10-server-10.9-1.12 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • glib2-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR glib2-lang-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR glib2-tools-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgio-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgio-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libglib-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libglib-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgmodule-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgobject-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgobject-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgthread-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgthread-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • glib2-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR glib2-lang-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR glib2-tools-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgio-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgio-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libglib-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libglib-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgmodule-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgobject-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgobject-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgthread-2_0-0-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • OR libgthread-2_0-0-32bit-2.48.2-12.15 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libgcrypt-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • libgcrypt-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit-1.6.1-16.58 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.2.2esr-109.46 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLE-60-32.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.2.2esr-109.46 is installed
  • OR apache2-mod_nss-1.0.14-19.6 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-hmac-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-hmac-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-hmac-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-hmac-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.19-19.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.19-19.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-certs-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-60.2.2esr-109.46 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLE-60-32.3 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.2.2esr-109.46 is installed
  • OR apache2-mod_nss-1.0.14-19.6 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-hmac-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-hmac-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-hmac-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-hmac-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.19-19.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.19-19.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-certs-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.36.4-58.15 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 is installed
  • AND
  • ghostscript-9.27-23.31 is installed
  • OR ghostscript-x11-9.27-23.31 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5 is installed
  • AND
  • ghostscript-9.27-23.31 is installed
  • OR ghostscript-x11-9.27-23.31 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.1-34 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • dhcp-4.3.3-9 is installed
  • OR dhcp-client-4.3.3-9 is installed
  • OR dhcp-relay-4.3.3-9 is installed
  • OR dhcp-server-4.3.3-9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • compat-openssl097g-0.9.7g- is installed
  • OR compat-openssl097g-32bit-0.9.7g- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • MozillaFirefox-45.3.0esr-78 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.3.0esr-78 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • MozillaFirefox-52.5.0esr-109.9 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-devel-52.5.0esr-109.9 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.5.0esr-109.9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_103-92_56-default-6-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_17-6-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND mozilla-nss-devel-3.14-0.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND libcurl-devel-7.19.7-1.40 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • Botan-1.6.5-6 is installed
  • OR libbotan-1_6_5-1.6.5-6 is installed
  • OR libbotan-devel-1.6.5-6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 is installed
  • AND libid3tag0-0.15.1b-182 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • flash-player- is installed
  • OR flash-player-gnome- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND icu-52.1-7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libmysqlclient_r18-10.0.31-29.3.1 is installed
  • OR libmysqlclient_r18-32bit-10.0.31-29.3.1 is installed
  • OR mariadb-10.0.31-29.3.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE OpenStack Cloud 5 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • git- is installed
  • OR git-core- is installed
  • BACK