Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:20081384
Revision Date:2017-09-27Version:1

Integer overflow in PHP 5.2.5 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly have unspecified other impact via a printf format parameter with a large width specifier, related to the php_sprintf_appendstring function in formatted_print.c and probably other functions for formatted strings (aka *printf functions).
Platform(s):openSUSE 10.2
openSUSE 10.3
openSUSE 11.0
SUSE Linux Enterprise SDK 10 SP2
Definition Synopsis
  • sles10-sp2-sdk is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • apache2-mod_php5 less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-bcmath less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-bz2 less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-calendar less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-ctype less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-curl less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-dba less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-dbase less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-devel less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-dom less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-exif less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-fastcgi less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-ftp less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-gd less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-gettext less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-gmp less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-iconv less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-imap less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-ldap less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-mbstring less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-mcrypt less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-mhash less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-mysql less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-ncurses less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-odbc less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-openssl less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-pcntl less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-pdo less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-pear less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-pgsql less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-posix less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-pspell less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-shmop less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-snmp less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-soap less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-sockets less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-sqlite less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-suhosin less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-sysvmsg less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-sysvsem less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-sysvshm less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-tidy less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-tokenizer less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-wddx less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-xmlreader less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-xmlrpc less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-xsl less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • OR php5-zlib less than 5.2.5-9.6
  • BACK