Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:20154605
Revision Date:2022-05-20Version:1

The mcopy function in softmagic.c in file 5.x, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8, does not properly restrict a certain offset value, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted string that is mishandled by a "Python script text executable" rule.
Mitre CVE-2015-4605
SUSE CVE-2015-4605
Platform(s):openSUSE 13.1
openSUSE 13.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12
Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE 13.1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • apache2-mod_php5-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-bcmath-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-bz2-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-calendar-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-ctype-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-curl-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-dba-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-devel-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-dom-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-enchant-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-exif-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-fastcgi-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-fileinfo-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-firebird-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-fpm-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-ftp-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-gd-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-gettext-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-gmp-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-iconv-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-imap-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-intl-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-json-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-ldap-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-mbstring-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-mcrypt-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-mssql-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-mysql-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-odbc-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-openssl-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-pcntl-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-pdo-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-pear-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-pgsql-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-phar-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-posix-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-pspell-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-readline-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-shmop-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-snmp-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-soap-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-sockets-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-sqlite-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-suhosin-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvmsg-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvsem-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvshm-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-tidy-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-tokenizer-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-wddx-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlreader-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlrpc-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlwriter-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-xsl-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-zip-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • OR php5-zlib-5.4.20-61.5 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE 13.2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • apache2-mod_php5-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-bcmath-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-bz2-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-calendar-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-ctype-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-curl-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-dba-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-devel-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-dom-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-enchant-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-exif-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-fastcgi-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-fileinfo-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-firebird-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-fpm-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-ftp-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-gd-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-gettext-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-gmp-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-iconv-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-imap-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-intl-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-json-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-ldap-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-mbstring-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-mcrypt-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-mssql-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-mysql-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-odbc-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-opcache-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-openssl-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-pcntl-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-pdo-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-pear-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-pgsql-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-phar-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-posix-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-pspell-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-readline-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-shmop-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-snmp-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-soap-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-sockets-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-sqlite-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-suhosin-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvmsg-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvsem-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-sysvshm-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-tidy-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-tokenizer-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-wddx-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlreader-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlrpc-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-xmlwriter-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-xsl-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-zip-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • OR php5-zlib-5.6.1-30.6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 is installed
  • AND php5 is not affected
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
  • OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 is installed
  • OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND php53 is not affected
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND php53 is not affected
  • BACK