Revision Date: | 2020-12-03 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | rsyslog-module-gssapi-8.39.0-2.90 on GA media (Moderate) |
Description: |
These are all security issues fixed in the rsyslog-module-gssapi-8.39.0-2.90 package on the GA media of SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP2.
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1046303 1046305 1046306 1046307 1046540 1046542 1046543 1048129 1050242 1050252 1050529 1050536 1050538 1050545 1050549 1050662 1051510 1052766 1055968 1056427 1056643 1056651 1056653 1056657 1056658 1056662 1056686 1056787 1058115 1058513 1058659 1058717 1060463 1061024 1061840 1062897 1064802 1065600 1066110 1066129 1068032 1068054 1071218 1071995 1072829 1072856 1073513 1073765 1073960 1074562 1074578 1074701 1074741 1074873 1074919 1075006 1075007 1075262 1075419 1075748 1075876 1076049 1076115 1076372 1076830 1077338 1078248 1078353 1079152 1079747 1080039 1080542 1081599 1082485 1082504 1082869 1082962 1083647 1083900 1084001 1084570 1085308 1085539 1085626 1085933 1085936 1085937 1085938 1085939 1085941 1086282 1086283 1086286 1086288 1086319 1086323 1086400 1086652 1086739 1087078 1087082 1087084 1087092 1087205 1087210 1087213 1087214 1087284 1087405 1087458 1087939 1087978 1088354 1088690 1088704 1088722 1088796 1088804 1088821 1088866 1089115 1089268 1089467 1089608 1089663 1089664 1089667 1089669 1089752 1089753 1089878 1090150 1090457 1090605 1090643 1090646 1090658 1090734 1090888 1090953 1091158 1091171 1091424 1091594 1091666 1091678 1091686 1091781 1091782 1091815 1091860 1091960 1092100 1092472 1092710 1092772 1092888 1092904 1092975 1093023 1093027 1093035 1093118 1093148 1093158 1093184 1093205 1093273 1093290 1093604 1093641 1093649 1093653 1093655 1093657 1093663 1093721 1093728 1093904 1093990 1094244 1094356 1094420 1094541 1094575 1094751 1094825 1094840 1094912 1094978 1095042 1095094 1095115 1095155 1095219 1095265 1095321 1095337 1095467 1095573 1095735 1095893 1096065 1096480 1096529 1096696 1096705 1096718 1096728 1096753 1096790 1096793 1097034 1097105 1097234 1097356 1097373 1097439 1097465 1097468 1097470 1097471 1097472 1097551 1097780 1097796 1097800 1097941 1097961 1098016 1098043 1098050 1098174 1098176 1098236 1098401 1098425 1098435 1098599 1098626 1098706 1098983 1098995 1099029 1099041 1099109 1099142 1099183 1099715 1099792 1099918 1099924 1099966 1100132 1100209 1100340 1100362 1100382 1100394 1100416 1100418 1100491 1100602 1100612 1100613 1100633 1100843 1101296 1101315 1101324 1104641 1141980 1163368 1172402 1174628 1174662 1176756 1177211 1177872 1177914 1178588 971975 975772 CVE-2015-3243 CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753 CVE-2018-1000200 CVE-2018-1000204 CVE-2018-10087 CVE-2018-10124 CVE-2018-10887 CVE-2018-10888 CVE-2018-1092 CVE-2018-1093 CVE-2018-1094 CVE-2018-1118 CVE-2018-1120 CVE-2018-11235 CVE-2018-1130 CVE-2018-12015 CVE-2018-12233 CVE-2018-13053 CVE-2018-13405 CVE-2018-13406 CVE-2018-15501 CVE-2018-3639 CVE-2018-5803 CVE-2018-5848 CVE-2018-7492 CVE-2018-8781 CVE-2018-9385 CVE-2019-13619 CVE-2020-12405 CVE-2020-12406 CVE-2020-12410 CVE-2020-14344 CVE-2020-15683 CVE-2020-15969 CVE-2020-15999 CVE-2020-26116 CVE-2020-26950 CVE-2020-6796 CVE-2020-6797 CVE-2020-6798 CVE-2020-6799 CVE-2020-6800 CVE-2020-9862 CVE-2020-9893 CVE-2020-9894 CVE-2020-9895 CVE-2020-9915 CVE-2020-9925 SUSE-SU-2018:1977-1 SUSE-SU-2018:2092-1 SUSE-SU-2018:2469-1 SUSE-SU-2019:2103-1 SUSE-SU-2020:0383-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1556-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2116-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2199-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2995-1 SUSE-SU-2020:3022-1 SUSE-SU-2020:3115-1 SUSE-SU-2020:3311-1
Platform(s): | SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for additional PackageHub packages 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for High Performance Computing 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Sale 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-CLIENT-TOOLS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Storage 7 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 SUSE Manager Proxy 4.1 SUSE Manager Server 4.1 SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 is installed AND Package Information
python-keystoneclient-1.0.0-14 is installed
OR python-keystoneclient-doc-1.0.0-14 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
AND Package Information
compat-openssl098-0.9.8j-70 is installed
OR libopenssl0_9_8-0.9.8j-70 is installed
OR libopenssl0_9_8-32bit-0.9.8j-70 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
ImageMagick- is installed
OR libMagick++-6_Q16-3- is installed
OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1- is installed
OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1-32bit- is installed
OR libMagickWand-6_Q16-1- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.5-19.1 is installed
OR python3-3.4.5-19.1 is installed
OR python3-base-3.4.5-19.1 is installed
OR python3-curses-3.4.5-19.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-default-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-default-devel-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-default-extra-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-devel-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-macros-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-source-4.4.73-5 is installed
OR kernel-syms-4.4.73-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 is installed
AND SuSEfirewall2-3.6.312.333-3.13 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
rsyslog-module-gssapi-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-gtls-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-mysql-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-pgsql-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-relp-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-snmp-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
OR rsyslog-module-udpspoof-8.39.0-2.90 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for additional PackageHub packages 15 is installed
AND Package Information
postgresql10-10.10-4.16 is installed
OR postgresql10-test-10.10-4.16 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
libwireshark9-2.4.16-3.31 is installed
OR libwiretap7-2.4.16-3.31 is installed
OR libwscodecs1-2.4.16-3.31 is installed
OR libwsutil8-2.4.16-3.31 is installed
OR wireshark-2.4.16-3.31 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-78.4.0-3.113 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-devel-78.4.0-3.113 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-78.4.0-3.113 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-other-78.4.0-3.113 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-68.9.0-3.91 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-devel-68.9.0-3.91 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-68.9.0-3.91 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-other-68.9.0-3.91 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 is installed
AND Package Information
perl-5.26.1-7.3 is installed
OR perl-doc-5.26.1-7.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
graphviz-addons-2.40.1-6.3 is installed
OR graphviz-perl-2.40.1-6.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for High Performance Computing 15 is installed
AND Package Information
python-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 is installed
AND ntp-4.2.8p12-4.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
openldap2-2.4.46-9.19 is installed
OR openldap2-back-meta-2.4.46-9.19 is installed
OR openldap2-back-perl-2.4.46-9.19 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-25_3-default-3-2 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15_Update_1-3-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-197_4-default-2-2 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15-SP1_Update_1-2-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 is installed
AND Package Information
ffmpeg-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR ffmpeg-private-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavdevice-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavdevice57-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavfilter-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavfilter6-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_8_0-openjdk- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-accessibility- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-javadoc- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-src- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-azure-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
OR kernel-azure-base-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
OR kernel-azure-devel-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
OR kernel-devel-azure-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
OR kernel-source-azure-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
OR kernel-syms-azure-4.12.14-5.30 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
libsamba-policy0-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
OR samba-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
OR samba-ad-dc-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
OR samba-dsdb-modules-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
OR samba-libs-python-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
OR samba-python-4.9.5+git.187.71edee57d5a-3.9 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 is installed
AND Package Information
ovmf-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-5.3 is installed
OR ovmf-tools-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-5.3 is installed
OR qemu-ovmf-x86_64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-5.3 is installed
OR qemu-uefi-aarch64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-5.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
389-ds- is installed
OR 389-ds-devel- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 is installed
AND Package Information
nodejs8-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR nodejs8-devel-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR nodejs8-docs-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR npm8-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
AND stunnel-5.00-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
aaa_base-13.2+git20140911.61c1681-9 is installed
OR aaa_base-extras-13.2+git20140911.61c1681-9 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
AND libraptor2-0-2.0.10-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND opie-2.4-724.56 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 is installed
AND Package Information
dhcp-4.2.6-14.3.1 is installed
OR dhcp-devel-4.2.6-14.3.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
libjavascriptcoregtk-1_0-0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR libwebkit2gtk-3_0-25-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR libwebkitgtk-1_0-0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR libwebkitgtk-devel-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR libwebkitgtk3-devel-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-1_0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-3_0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-WebKit-1_0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-WebKit-3_0-2.4.8-16.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 is installed
AND vte2-devel-0.28.2-19.7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 is installed
AND cyrus-sasl-digestmd5-32bit-2.1.26-7.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
AND Package Information
libraw-0.18.9-3.8 is installed
OR libraw-devel-0.18.9-3.8 is installed
OR libraw16-0.18.9-3.8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
libixion-0.14.1-4.3 is installed
OR libixion-0_14-0-0.14.1-4.3 is installed
OR liborcus-0.14.1-3.3 is installed
OR liborcus-0_14-0-0.14.1-3.3 is installed
OR liborcus-devel-0.14.1-3.3 is installed
OR myspell-af_ZA-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-ar-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-bg_BG-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-bn_BD-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-br_FR-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-ca-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-cs_CZ-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-da_DK-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-dictionaries-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-el_GR-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-et_EE-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-fr_FR-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-gl-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-gu_IN-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-he_IL-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-hi_IN-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-hr_HR-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-it_IT-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-lt_LT-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-lv_LV-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-nl_NL-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-nn_NO-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-pl_PL-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-pt_PT-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-si_LK-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-sk_SK-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-sl_SI-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-sr-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-sv_SE-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-te_IN-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-th_TH-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-tr_TR-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-uk_UA-20190423-3.9 is installed
OR myspell-zu_ZA-20190423-3.9 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 is installed
AND Package Information
irssi-0.8.20-9 is installed
OR irssi-devel-0.8.20-9 is installed