Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:22836
Revision Date:2020-12-01Version:1
Title:Security update for squid (Important)

This update for squid fixes the following issues:

* - CVE-2020-15049.patch: fixes a Cache Poisoning and Request Smuggling attack (CVE-2020-15049, bsc#1173455)
Platform(s):openSUSE Leap 42.1
openSUSE Leap 42.1 NonFree
openSUSE Leap 42.2
openSUSE Leap 42.3
SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-BCL
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-ESPOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-TERADATA
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12-LTSS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 5
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6
SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP1
SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP2
Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • chromedriver-51.0.2704.79-54.1 is installed
  • OR chromium-51.0.2704.79-54.1 is installed
  • OR chromium-desktop-gnome-51.0.2704.79-54.1 is installed
  • OR chromium-desktop-kde-51.0.2704.79-54.1 is installed
  • OR chromium-ffmpegsumo-51.0.2704.79-54.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.1 NonFree is installed
  • AND opera-38.0.2220.29-16.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • at-3.1.14-10.1 is installed
  • OR flex-2.5.37-12.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-2.32.1-20.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-devel-2.32.1-20.1 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-lang-2.32.1-20.1 is installed
  • OR libnetpbm-devel-10.66.3-7.1 is installed
  • OR libnetpbm11-10.66.3-7.1 is installed
  • OR netpbm-10.66.3-7.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • openSUSE Leap 42.3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • pspp-0.10.2-5.1 is installed
  • OR pspp-devel-0.10.2-5.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 is installed
  • AND python-setuptools-1.1.7-7.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND wireshark-1.8.12-0.2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • compat-openssl097g-0.9.7g-146.22.31 is installed
  • OR compat-openssl097g-32bit-0.9.7g-146.22.31 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • MozillaFirefox-38.5.0esr-28 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-38.5.0esr-28 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
  • AND libXvMC1-1.0.8-3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • accountsservice-0.6.35-3 is installed
  • OR accountsservice-lang-0.6.35-3 is installed
  • OR libaccountsservice0-0.6.35-3 is installed
  • OR typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0-0.6.35-3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • at-3.1.14-7 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-4.8.6+2.3.3-3 is installed
  • OR libQtWebKit4-32bit-4.8.6+2.3.3-3 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-2.32.1-16 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-32bit-2.32.1-16 is installed
  • OR libbonobo-lang-2.32.1-16 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • python2-salt-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-api-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-bash-completion-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-cloud-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-doc-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-master-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-minion-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-proxy-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-ssh-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-syndic-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • OR salt-zsh-completion-2018.3.0-46.44 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • emacs-25.3-1 is installed
  • OR emacs-el-25.3-1 is installed
  • OR emacs-info-25.3-1 is installed
  • OR emacs-nox-25.3-1 is installed
  • OR etags-25.3-1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libtiff5-32bit-4.0.9-5.9 is installed
  • OR tiff-4.0.9-5.9 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 is installed
  • AND bsdtar-3.3.2-1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • java-1_6_0-ibm-1.6.0_sr16.15-27 is installed
  • OR java-1_6_0-ibm-fonts-1.6.0_sr16.15-27 is installed
  • OR java-1_6_0-ibm-jdbc-1.6.0_sr16.15-27 is installed
  • OR java-1_6_0-ibm-plugin-1.6.0_sr16.15-27 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kernel-ec2-3.12.59-60.45 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.12.59-60.45 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-extra-3.12.59-60.45 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • gnuplot-5.2.2-1 is installed
  • OR gnuplot-doc-5.2.2-1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 is installed
  • AND python-pycrypto-2.6.1-10.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 is installed
  • AND xalan-j2-2.7.2-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 is installed
  • AND
  • cups-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-client-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-32bit-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-x86-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 is installed
  • AND
  • cups-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-client-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-32bit-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • OR cups-libs-x86-1.3.9-8.15 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • cyrus-imapd-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-IMAP-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • cyrus-imapd-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-IMAP-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • cyrus-imapd-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-IMAP-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • OR perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve-2.3.11-60.65.64 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
  • AND gd-2.0.36.RC1-52 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-7-0.6.7 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-10.0.12-0.4 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-52.6.0esr-78.13 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.6.0esr-78.13 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • MozillaFirefox-52.6.0esr-78.13 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.6.0esr-78.13 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND openssl-certs-1.95-0.4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND openssl-certs-1.95-0.4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND openssl-certs-1.95-0.4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND openssl-certs-1.95-0.4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND openssl-certs-1.95-0.4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-trace-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-trace-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • xen-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-html-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-doc-pdf-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-default-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-pae-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-kmp-trace-4.1.6_04_3.0.101_0.5-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-libs-32bit-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • OR xen-tools-domU-4.1.6_04-0.5 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • gmime-2.2.23-1.50 is installed
  • OR gmime-2_4-2.4.8-1.2 is installed
  • OR gmime-doc-2.2.23-1.50 is installed
  • OR libgmime-2_0-3-2.2.23-1.50 is installed
  • OR libgmime-2_4-2-2.4.8-1.2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-default-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-default-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-0.7.47 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • augeas-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR augeas-lenses-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR libaugeas0-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • augeas-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR augeas-lenses-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR libaugeas0-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • augeas-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR augeas-lenses-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR libaugeas0-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • augeas-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR augeas-lenses-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR libaugeas0-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • augeas-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR augeas-lenses-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • OR libaugeas0-0.9.0-3.17 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • OpenEXR-1.6.1-83.17 is installed
  • OR OpenEXR-32bit-1.6.1-83.17 is installed
  • OR OpenEXR-x86-1.6.1-83.17 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
  • AND python-pycrypto-2.6.1-5.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-libs-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-bigsmp-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigsmp-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigsmp-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-bigsmp-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigsmp-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigsmp-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-0.47.102 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • ImageMagick- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1-32bit- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND amanda- is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND amanda- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • ImageMagick- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1-32bit- is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • ImageMagick- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore1-32bit- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND a2ps-4.13-1326.37 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-bigmem-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigmem-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigmem-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kernel-bigmem-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigmem-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-bigmem-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-default-man-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-pae-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-ppc64-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-source-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-syms-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-trace-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-base-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • OR kernel-xen-devel-3.0.101-108.95 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY is installed
  • AND
  • curl-openssl1-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-32bit-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-x86-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY is installed
  • AND
  • curl-openssl1-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-32bit-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • OR libcurl4-openssl1-x86-7.19.7-1.64 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • libXv1-1.0.10-3.57 is installed
  • OR libXv1-32bit-1.0.10-3.57 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • ImageMagick- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1- is installed
  • OR libMagickWand-6_Q16-1- is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • ImageMagick- is installed
  • OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1- is installed
  • OR libMagickWand-6_Q16-1- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND ant-1.9.4-1.31 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_69-default-7-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_69-xen-7-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP1_Update_24-7-2 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_69-default-7-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-3_12_74-60_64_69-xen-7-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP1_Update_24-7-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • emacs-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • OR emacs-el-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • OR emacs-info-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • OR emacs-nox-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • OR emacs-x11-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • OR etags-24.3-25.3.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • dovecot22-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-mysql-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-pgsql-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-sqlite-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • dovecot22-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-mysql-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-pgsql-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • OR dovecot22-backend-sqlite-2.2.13-4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-2.40.15-4.5 is installed
  • OR librsvg-2-2-2.40.15-4.5 is installed
  • OR librsvg-2-2-32bit-2.40.15-4.5 is installed
  • OR rsvg-view-2.40.15-4.5 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS is installed
  • AND squid-3.5.21-26.29 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-ESPOS is installed
  • AND squid-3.5.21-26.29 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • gpg2-2.0.24-9.3 is installed
  • OR gpg2-lang-2.0.24-9.3 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • gpg2-2.0.24-9.3 is installed
  • OR gpg2-lang-2.0.24-9.3 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • ovmf-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR ovmf-tools-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR qemu-ovmf-x86_64-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR qemu-uefi-aarch64-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND
  • ovmf-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR ovmf-tools-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR qemu-ovmf-x86_64-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • OR qemu-uefi-aarch64-2017+git1492060560.b6d11d7c46-4.20 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND tpm2.0-tools-2.0.0-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • bzip2-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR bzip2-doc-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-32bit-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-BCL is installed
  • AND
  • bzip2-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR bzip2-doc-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • OR libbz2-1-32bit-1.0.6-30.8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • libshibsp-lite6-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • OR libshibsp6-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • OR shibboleth-sp-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-ESPOS is installed
  • AND
  • libshibsp-lite6-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • OR libshibsp6-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • OR shibboleth-sp-2.5.5-6.6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_180-94_103-default-3-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP3_Update_28-3-2 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • kgraft-patch-4_4_180-94_103-default-3-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP3_Update_28-3-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND mutt-1.10.1-55.6 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
  • AND mutt-1.10.1-55.6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • libgcrypt-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND
  • libgcrypt-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • OR libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit-1.6.1-16.62 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND git-core-2.12.3-27.14 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 is installed
  • AND
  • ovmf-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR ovmf-tools-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR qemu-ovmf-x86_64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR qemu-uefi-aarch64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5 is installed
  • AND
  • ovmf-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR ovmf-tools-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR qemu-ovmf-x86_64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • OR qemu-uefi-aarch64-2017+git1510945757.b2662641d5-3.26 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • libvirt-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-client-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-config-network-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-interface-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-network-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-secret-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-lxc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-qemu-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-xen-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-doc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-lock-sanlock-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12-LTSS is installed
  • AND
  • libvirt-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-client-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-config-network-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-interface-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-network-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-secret-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-lxc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-qemu-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-daemon-xen-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-doc-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • OR libvirt-lock-sanlock-1.2.5-27.13 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND apache2-mod_perl-2.0.8-11 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kgraft-patch-3_12_44-52_18-default-6-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-3_12_44-52_18-xen-6-2 is installed
  • OR kgraft-patch-SLE12_Update_7-6-2 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • compat-openssl098-0.9.8j-102 is installed
  • OR libopenssl0_9_8-0.9.8j-102 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 is installed
  • AND qemu-0.10.1-0.5.7 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • bind-9.9.6P1-0.12 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-9.9.6P1-0.12 is installed
  • OR bind-devel-32bit-9.9.6P1-0.12 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 is installed
  • AND MozillaFirefox-devel-31.7.0esr-0.8 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • flash-player- is installed
  • OR flash-player-gnome- is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • bash-4.2-82 is installed
  • OR bash-lang-4.2-82 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • freerdp-2.0.0~git.1463131968.4e66df7-11 is installed
  • OR libfreerdp2-2.0.0~git.1463131968.4e66df7-11 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • NetworkManager-vpnc-1.0.8-8.4 is installed
  • OR NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome-1.0.8-8.4 is installed
  • OR NetworkManager-vpnc-lang-1.0.8-8.4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP4 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • NetworkManager-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
  • OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
  • OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP5 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • openconnect-7.08-3.4 is installed
  • OR openconnect-lang-7.08-3.4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • gstreamer-plugins-ugly-1.12.5-1 is installed
  • OR gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang-1.12.5-1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE OpenStack Cloud 5 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • MozillaFirefox-45.9.0esr-71.2 is installed
  • OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.9.0esr-71.2 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-4.13.1-32.1 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.13.1-32.1 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.29.5-46.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • kernel-firmware-20160516git-10.8.1 is installed
  • OR ucode-amd-20160516git-10.8.1 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 is installed
  • AND Package Information
  • znc-1.6.2-4 is installed
  • OR znc-devel-1.6.2-4 is installed
  • OR znc-perl-1.6.2-4 is installed
  • OR znc-python3-1.6.2-4 is installed
  • OR znc-tcl-1.6.2-4 is installed
  • Definition Synopsis
  • Release Information
  • SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP1 is installed
  • AND
  • kdelibs4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-apidocs-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-branding-upstream-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-core-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-doc-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kio-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-core-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-core-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-devel-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-devel-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-lang-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall1-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall1-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR Package Information
  • SUSE Package Hub for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP2 is installed
  • AND
  • kdelibs4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-apidocs-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-branding-upstream-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-core-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kdelibs4-doc-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR kio-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-core-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-core-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-devel-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR kio-devel-32bit-5.26.0-6 is installed
  • OR kio-lang-5.26.0-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkde4-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libkdecore4-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall-devel-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall1-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • OR libksuseinstall1-32bit-4.14.25-5 is installed
  • BACK