Oval Definition:oval:org.opensuse.security:def:23342
Revision Date:2020-12-01Version:1
Title:Security update for librsvg (Moderate)

This update for librsvg fixes the following issues:

- CVE-2018-1000041: Input validation issue could lead to credentials leak. (bsc#1083232)

Update to version 2.40.20:

+ Except for emergencies, this will be the LAST RELEASE of the librsvg-2.40.x series. We are moving to 2.41, which is vastly improved over the 2.40 series. The API/ABI there remain unchaged, so we strongly encourage you to upgrade your sources and binaries to librsvg-2.41.x. + bgo#761175 - Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn. + Don't access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don't try to load it at all). + Vistual Studio: fixed and integrated introspection builds, so introspection data is built directly from the Visual Studio project (Chun-wei Fan). + Visual Studio: We now use HIGHENTROPYVA linker option on x64 builds, to enhance the security of built binaries (Chun-wei Fan). + Fix generation of Vala bindings when compiling in read-only source directories (Emmanuele Bassi).

Update to version 2.40.19:

+ bgo#621088: Using text objects as clipping paths is now supported. + bgo#587721: Fix rendering of text elements with transformations (Massimo). + bgo#777833 - Fix memory leaks when an RsvgHandle is disposed before being closed (Philip Withnall). + bgo#782098 - Don't pass deprecated options to gtk-doc (Ting-Wei Lan). + bgo#786372 - Fix the default for the 'type' attribute of the