Revision Date: | 2020-12-01 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | Security update for MozillaFirefox |
Description: |
Mozilla Firefox was updated to the 10.0.12ESR release.
MFSA 2013-01: Mozilla developers identified and fixed several memory safety bugs in the browser engine used in Firefox and other Mozilla-based products. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption under certain circumstances, and we presume that with enough effort at least some of these could be exploited to run arbitrary code.
o Christoph Diehl, Christian Holler, Mats Palmgren, and Chiaki Ishikawa reported memory safety problems and crashes that affect Firefox ESR 10, Firefox ESR 17, and Firefox 17. ( CVE-2013-0769 ) o Bill Gianopoulos, Benoit Jacob, Christoph Diehl, Christian Holler, Gary Kwong, Robert O'Callahan, and Scoobidiver reported memory safety problems and crashes that affect Firefox ESR 17 and Firefox 17. (CVE-2013-0749 ) o Jesse Ruderman, Christian Holler, Julian Seward, and Scoobidiver reported memory safety problems and crashes that affect Firefox 17. (CVE-2013-0770 ) *
MFSA 2013-02: Security researcher Abhishek Arya (Inferno) of the Google Chrome Security Team discovered a series critically rated of use-after-free, out of bounds read, and buffer overflow issues using the Address Sanitizer tool in shipped software. These issues are potentially exploitable, allowing for remote code execution. We would also like to thank Abhishek for reporting three additional user-after-free and out of bounds read flaws introduced during Firefox development that were fixed before general release.
The following issue was fixed in Firefox 18:
* o Global-buffer-overflow in CharDistributionAnalysis::HandleOneChar (CVE-2013-0760 )
The following issues were fixed in Firefox 18, ESR 17.0.1, and ESR 10.0.12:
* o Heap-use-after-free in imgRequest::OnStopFrame (CVE-2013-0762 ) o Heap-use-after-free in ~nsHTMLEditRules (CVE-2013-0766 ) o Out of bounds read in nsSVGPathElement::GetPathLengthScale ( CVE-2013-0767 )
The following issues were fixed in Firefox 18 and ESR 17.0.1:
* o Heap-use-after-free in mozilla::TrackUnionStream::EndTrack ( CVE-2013-0761 ) o Heap-use-after-free in Mesa, triggerable by resizing a WebGL canvas (CVE-2013-0763 ) o Heap-buffer-overflow in gfxTextRun::ShrinkToLigatureBoundaries (CVE-2013-0771 )
The following issue was fixed in Firefox 18 and in the earlier ESR 10.0.11 release:
o Heap-buffer-overflow in nsWindow::OnExposeEvent (CVE-2012-5829 ) *
* MFSA 2013-03: Security researcher miaubiz used the Address Sanitizer tool to discover a buffer overflow in Canvas when specific bad height and width values were given through HTML. This could lead to a potentially exploitable crash. (CVE-2013-0768 )
Miaubiz also found a potentially exploitable crash when 2D and 3D content was mixed which was introduced during Firefox development and fixed before general release.
MFSA 2013-04: Security researcher Masato Kinugawa found a flaw in which the displayed URL values within the addressbar can be spoofed by a page during loading. This allows for phishing attacks where a malicious page can spoof the identify of another site. ( CVE-2013-0759 )
MFSA 2013-05: Using the Address Sanitizer tool, security researcher Atte Kettunen from OUSPG discovered that the combination of large numbers of columns and column groups in a table could cause the array containing the columns during rendering to overwrite itself. This can lead to a user-after-free causing a potentially exploitable crash. ( CVE-2013-0744 )
* MFSA 2013-06: Mozilla developer Wesley Johnston reported that when there are two or more iframes on the same HTML page, an iframe is able to see the touch events and their targets that occur within the other iframes on the page. If the iframes are from the same origin, they can also access the properties and methods of the targets of other iframes but same-origin policy (SOP) restricts access across domains. This allows for information leakage and possibilities for cross-site scripting (XSS) if another vulnerability can be used to get around SOP restrictions. (CVE-2013-0751 )
* MFSA 2013-07: Mozilla community member Jerry Baker reported a crashing issue found through Thunderbird when downloading messages over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection. This was caused by a bug in the networking code assuming that secure connections were entirely handled on the socket transport thread when they can occur on a variety of threads. The resulting crash was potentially exploitable. (CVE-2013-0764 )
* MFSA 2013-08: Mozilla developer Olli Pettay discovered that the AutoWrapperChanger class fails to keep some javascript objects alive during garbage collection. This can lead to an exploitable crash allowing for arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-0745 )
* MFSA 2013-09: Mozilla developer Boris Zbarsky reported reported a problem where jsval-returning quickstubs fail to wrap their return values, causing a compartment mismatch. This mismatch can cause garbage collection to occur incorrectly and lead to a potentially exploitable crash. (CVE-2013-0746 )
* MFSA 2013-10: Mozilla security researcher Jesse Ruderman reported that events in the plugin handler can be manipulated by web content to bypass same-origin policy (SOP) restrictions. This can allow for clickjacking on malicious web pages. (CVE-2013-0747 )
* MFSA 2013-11: Mozilla security researcher Jesse Ruderman discovered that using the toString function of XBL objects can lead to inappropriate information leakage by revealing the address space layout instead of just the ID of the object. This layout information could potentially be used to bypass ASLR and other security protections. (CVE-2013-0748 )
* MFSA 2013-12: Security researcher pa_kt reported a flaw via TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative that an integer overflow is possible when calculating the length for a Javascript string concatenation, which is then used for memory allocation. This results in a buffer overflow, leading to a potentially exploitable memory corruption. (CVE-2013-0750 )
* MFSA 2013-13: Security researcher Sviatoslav Chagaev reported that when using an XBL file containing multiple XML bindings with SVG content, a memory corruption can occur. In concern with remote XUL, this can lead to an exploitable crash. (CVE-2013-0752 )
* MFSA 2013-14: Security researcher Mariusz Mlynski reported that it is possible to change the prototype of an object and bypass Chrome Object Wrappers (COW) to gain access to chrome privileged functions. This could allow for arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-0757 )
* MFSA 2013-15: Security researcher Mariusz Mlynski reported that it is possible to open a chrome privileged web page through plugin objects through interaction with SVG elements. This could allow for arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-0758 )
* MFSA 2013-16: Security researcher regenrecht reported, via TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative, a use-after-free in XMLSerializer by the exposing of serializeToStream to web content. This can lead to arbitrary code execution when exploited. (CVE-2013-0753 )
* MFSA 2013-17: Security researcher regenrecht reported, via TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative, a use-after-free within the ListenerManager when garbage collection is forced after data in listener objects have been allocated in some circumstances. This results in a use-after-free which can lead to arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-0754 )
* MFSA 2013-18: Security researcher regenrecht reported, via TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative, a use-after-free using the domDoc pointer within Vibrate library. This can lead to arbitrary code execution when exploited. (CVE-2013-0755 )
* MFSA 2013-19: Security researcher regenrecht reported, via TippingPoint's Zero Day Initiative, a garbage collection flaw in Javascript Proxy objects. This can lead to a use-after-free leading to arbitrary code execution. (CVE-2013-0756 )
* MFSA 2013-20: Google reported to Mozilla that TURKTRUST, a certificate authority in Mozilla's root program, had mis-issued two intermediate certificates to customers. The issue was not specific to Firefox but there was evidence that one of the certificates was used for man-in-the-middle (MITM) traffic management of domain names that the customer did not legitimately own or control. This issue was resolved by revoking the trust for these specific mis-issued certificates. (CVE-2013-0743 )
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1000362 1064101 1064115 1064116 1064117 1064119 1067441 1069606 1069631 1077080 1081056 1082692 1083463 1084137 1084521 1084524 1084532 1085124 1086825 1087922 1090194 1139083 796895 849019 865241 898346 898603 898604 901882 918995 918998 919341 919464 922705 922706 925466 934800 935634 938344 938719 938721 985657 CVE-2011-3970 CVE-2012-2825 CVE-2012-5829 CVE-2012-6139 CVE-2013-0743 CVE-2013-0744 CVE-2013-0745 CVE-2013-0746 CVE-2013-0747 CVE-2013-0748 CVE-2013-0749 CVE-2013-0750 CVE-2013-0751 CVE-2013-0752 CVE-2013-0753 CVE-2013-0754 CVE-2013-0755 CVE-2013-0756 CVE-2013-0757 CVE-2013-0758 CVE-2013-0759 CVE-2013-0760 CVE-2013-0761 CVE-2013-0762 CVE-2013-0763 CVE-2013-0764 CVE-2013-0766 CVE-2013-0767 CVE-2013-0768 CVE-2013-0769 CVE-2013-0770 CVE-2013-0771 CVE-2014-3566 CVE-2014-7169 CVE-2014-7186 CVE-2014-7187 CVE-2015-2044 CVE-2015-2045 CVE-2015-2151 CVE-2015-2756 CVE-2015-3227 CVE-2015-3259 CVE-2015-5154 CVE-2015-5589 CVE-2015-5590 CVE-2016-2776 CVE-2016-3189 CVE-2017-10268 CVE-2017-10378 CVE-2017-10379 CVE-2017-10384 CVE-2017-16642 CVE-2017-17997 CVE-2017-9228 CVE-2017-9229 CVE-2018-1000120 CVE-2018-1000121 CVE-2018-1000122 CVE-2018-7320 CVE-2018-7321 CVE-2018-7322 CVE-2018-7323 CVE-2018-7324 CVE-2018-7325 CVE-2018-7326 CVE-2018-7327 CVE-2018-7328 CVE-2018-7329 CVE-2018-7330 CVE-2018-7331 CVE-2018-7332 CVE-2018-7333 CVE-2018-7334 CVE-2018-7335 CVE-2018-7336 CVE-2018-7337 CVE-2018-7417 CVE-2018-7418 CVE-2018-7419 CVE-2018-7420 CVE-2018-7421 CVE-2019-12900 SUSE-SU-2015:0747-1 SUSE-SU-2015:1299-1 SUSE-SU-2015:1466-1 SUSE-SU-2016:0047-1 SUSE-SU-2016:2405-1 SUSE-SU-2017:2996-1 SUSE-SU-2018:0003-1 SUSE-SU-2018:0867-1 SUSE-SU-2018:1323-1 SUSE-SU-2019:14122-1 SUSE-SU-2019:14139-1
Platform(s): | openSUSE Leap 15.0 openSUSE Leap 42.3 SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Containers 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Sale 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.0 is installed AND Package Information
NetworkManager-applet-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR NetworkManager-applet-lang-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR NetworkManager-connection-editor-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR libnm-gtk0-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR libnma0-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR nma-data-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NMGtk-1_0-1.8.10-lp150.3.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 42.3 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-devel-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-other-52.4.0-63 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-accessibility- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-demo- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-javadoc- is installed
OR java-1_8_0-openjdk-src- is installed
OR libfreebl3-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-certs-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-devel-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit-3.28.6-44 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.28.6-44 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 is installed
AND Package Information
openstack-cinder-2014.2.3.dev13-1 is installed
OR openstack-cinder-volume-2014.2.3.dev13-1 is installed
OR python-cinder-2014.2.3.dev13-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libfreebl3-3.15.2-0.3 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.15.2-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.10.1-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.10.1-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.15.2-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.15.2-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.15.2-0.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
bash-3.2-147.22 is installed
OR bash-doc-3.2-147.22 is installed
OR libreadline5-5.2-147.22 is installed
OR libreadline5-32bit-5.2-147.22 is installed
OR readline-doc-5.2-147.22 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
xen-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
OR xen-doc-html-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
OR xen-kmp-default-4.4.2_10_3.0.101_63-5 is installed
OR xen-kmp-pae-4.4.2_10_3.0.101_63-5 is installed
OR xen-libs-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
OR xen-libs-32bit-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
OR xen-tools-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
OR xen-tools-domU-4.4.2_10-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
AND fetchmail-6.3.26-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
AND autofs-5.0.9-8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
AND argyllcms-1.6.3-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
NetworkManager-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR libnm-glib-vpn1-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR libnm-glib4-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR libnm-util2-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR libnm0-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0-1.0.12-12 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0-1.0.12-12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 is installed
AND dnsmasq-2.78-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Containers 15 SP1 is installed
AND helm-mirror-0.2.1-1.7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 is installed
AND Package Information
libcdio-0.94-6.3 is installed
OR libcdio++0-0.94-6.3 is installed
OR libcdio-devel-0.94-6.3 is installed
OR libcdio16-0.94-6.3 is installed
OR libiso9660-10-0.94-6.3 is installed
OR libudf0-0.94-6.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
ImageMagick- is installed
OR ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE- is installed
OR ImageMagick-devel- is installed
OR libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI4- is installed
OR libMagick++-devel- is installed
OR libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI6- is installed
OR libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI6- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Development Tools 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-docs-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-obs-build-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-source-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-syms-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-vanilla-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-vanilla-base-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR lttng-modules-2.10.0-5.6 is installed
OR lttng-modules-kmp-default-2.10.0_k4.12.14_25.16-5.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 is installed
AND Package Information
cups154-1.5.4-2 is installed
OR cups154-client-1.5.4-2 is installed
OR cups154-filters-1.5.4-2 is installed
OR cups154-libs-1.5.4-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_8_0-ibm-1.8.0_sr5.15-3.3 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-alsa-1.8.0_sr5.15-3.3 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-devel-1.8.0_sr5.15-3.3 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-plugin-1.8.0_sr5.15-3.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 is installed
AND Package Information
openssl-1_1-1.1.0i-4.15 is installed
OR openssl-1_1-doc-1.1.0i-4.15 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-ec2-3.12.51-60.20 is installed
OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.12.51-60.20 is installed
OR kernel-ec2-extra-3.12.51-60.20 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 is installed
AND grub2-x86_64-xen-2.02-17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 is installed
AND Package Information
libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.5-17 is installed
OR python3-3.4.5-17 is installed
OR python3-base-3.4.5-17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Sale 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
bind-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
OR bind-chrootenv-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
OR bind-doc-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
OR bind-libs-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
OR bind-utils-9.9.6P1-0.30 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-rt-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-rt-base-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-rt-devel-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-rt_trace-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-rt_trace-base-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-rt_trace-devel-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-source-rt-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
OR kernel-syms-rt-3.0.101.rt130-65 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 is installed
AND NetworkManager-gnome-0.7.0.r1053-11.11 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 is installed
AND NetworkManager-gnome-0.7.0.r1053-11.11 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
freetype2-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-32bit-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-x86-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR ft2demos-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
freetype2-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-32bit-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-x86-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR ft2demos-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
freetype2-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-32bit-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-x86-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR ft2demos-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
freetype2-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-32bit-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR freetype2-x86-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
OR ft2demos-2.3.7-25.30 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
libfreebl3-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
libfreebl3-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
libfreebl3-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-x86-4.8.9-1.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-x86-3.12.11-3.2.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 is installed
AND clamav-0.96-0.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
libecpg6-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-32bit-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-contrib-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-docs-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-server-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
libecpg6-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-32bit-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-contrib-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-docs-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-server-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-LTSS is installed
libecpg6-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-32bit-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-contrib-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-docs-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-server-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
libecpg6-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR libpq5-32bit-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-contrib-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-docs-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
OR postgresql91-server-9.1.9-0.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
ImageMagick- is installed
OR libMagickCore1- is installed
OR libMagickCore1-32bit- is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1-TERADATA is installed
ImageMagick- is installed
OR libMagickCore1- is installed
OR libMagickCore1-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-curl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dba-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dbase-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dom-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-exif-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gd-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-hash-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-json-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pear-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-soap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zip-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.2.14- is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-curl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dba-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dbase-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dom-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-exif-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gd-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-hash-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-json-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pear-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-soap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zip-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.2.14- is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2 is installed
apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-curl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dba-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dbase-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dom-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-exif-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gd-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-hash-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-json-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pear-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-soap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zip-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.2.14- is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-curl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dba-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dbase-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dom-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-exif-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gd-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-hash-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-json-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pear-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-soap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zip-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.2.14- is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 is installed
apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-curl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dba-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dbase-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-dom-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-exif-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gd-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-hash-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-json-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pear-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-soap-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zip-5.2.14- is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.2.14- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
AND clamav-0.97.3-0.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
xen-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-devel-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-doc-html-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-doc-pdf-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-default-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-pae-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-trace-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-libs-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-libs-32bit-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-tools-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-tools-domU-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP2-LTSS is installed
xen-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-devel-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-doc-html-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-doc-pdf-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-default-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-pae-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-kmp-trace-4.1.6_08_3.0.101_0.7.37-23 is installed
OR xen-libs-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-libs-32bit-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-tools-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
OR xen-tools-domU-4.1.6_08-23 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 is installed
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.38 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
guestfs-data-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfs-tools-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfsd-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR libguestfs0-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
guestfs-data-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfs-tools-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfsd-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR libguestfs0-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3 is installed
guestfs-data-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfs-tools-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfsd-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR libguestfs0-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
guestfs-data-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfs-tools-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR guestfsd-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
OR libguestfs0-1.20.4-0.18 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
Mesa-9.0.3-0.17 is installed
OR Mesa-32bit-9.0.3-0.17 is installed
OR Mesa-x86-9.0.3-0.17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-daemon-4.0.7-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osa-common-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-common-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR spacecmd-4.0.14-18.51 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-libs-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-remote-utils-4.0.5-6.12 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-daemon-4.0.7-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osa-common-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-common-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR spacecmd-4.0.14-18.51 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-libs-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-remote-utils-4.0.5-6.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
MozillaFirefox-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-45.0-23 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR firefox-fontconfig-2.11.0-2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
MozillaFirefox-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-45.0-23 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR firefox-fontconfig-2.11.0-2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-LTSS is installed
MozillaFirefox-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-45.0-23 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR firefox-fontconfig-2.11.0-2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
MozillaFirefox-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-branding-SLED-45.0-23 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.2.0esr-45 is installed
OR firefox-fontconfig-2.11.0-2 is installed
OR libfreebl3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libfreebl3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR libsoftokn3-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nspr-32bit-4.12-29 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-32bit-3.21.1-35 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-tools-3.21.1-35 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
AND apache2-mod_perl-2.0.4-40.63.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP3-TERADATA is installed
AND apache2-mod_perl-2.0.4-40.63.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
MozillaFirefox-52.8.1esr-72.35 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.8.1esr-72.35 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 is installed
MozillaFirefox-52.8.1esr-72.35 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.8.1esr-72.35 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
NetworkManager-0.7.1_git20090811-3.28 is installed
OR NetworkManager-glib-0.7.1_git20090811-3.28 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-daemon-4.0.7-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osa-common-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-common-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR spacecmd-4.0.14-18.51 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-libs-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-remote-utils-4.0.5-6.12 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-CLIENT-TOOLS is installed
mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-daemon-4.0.7-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-actions-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-client-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-cfg-management-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osa-common-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-osad-4.0.9-5.6 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-common-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-mgr-virtualization-host-4.0.8-5.8 is installed
OR python2-rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR rhnlib-4.0.11-12.16 is installed
OR spacecmd-4.0.14-18.51 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-backend-libs-4.0.25-28.42 is installed
OR spacewalk-remote-utils-4.0.5-6.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
AND atftp-0.7.0-135.23.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4-LTSS is installed
AND atftp-0.7.0-135.23.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY is installed
curl-openssl1-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-32bit-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-x86-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11-SECURITY is installed
curl-openssl1-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-32bit-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
OR libcurl4-openssl1-x86-7.37.0-70.27 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY is installed
AND wget-openssl1-1.11.4-1.26 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
tigervnc-1.3.0-22 is installed
OR xorg-x11-Xvnc-1.3.0-22 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 is installed
tigervnc-1.3.0-22 is installed
OR xorg-x11-Xvnc-1.3.0-22 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
AND apache2-mod_perl-2.0.8-8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
jakarta-commons-fileupload-1.1.1-120 is installed
OR jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc-1.1.1-120 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-32bit-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-hmac-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-hmac-32bit-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
OR openssl-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
OR openssl-doc-1.0.1i-54.8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr3.50-28 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr3.50-28 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr3.50-28 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr3.50-28 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
icu-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu-doc-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-32bit-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-data-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP3 is installed
icu-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu-doc-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-32bit-52.1-8.3 is installed
OR libicu52_1-data-52.1-8.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-52.2.0esr-108 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.2.0esr-108 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
MozillaFirefox-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP4 is installed
MozillaFirefox-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
AND dosfstools-3.0.26-6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND davfs2-1.5.2-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
compat-openssl097g-0.9.7g-146.22.50 is installed
OR compat-openssl097g-32bit-0.9.7g-146.22.50 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-3_12_67-60_64_21-default-11-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-3_12_67-60_64_21-xen-11-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP1_Update_10-11-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-4_4_103-92_53-default-8-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_16-8-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
mozilla-nspr-devel-4.9.4-0.3 is installed
OR mozilla-nss-devel-3.14.1-0.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
libmysql55client_r18-32bit-5.5.58-0.39.6 is installed
OR libmysql55client_r18-x86-5.5.58-0.39.6 is installed
OR mysql-5.5.58-0.39.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 is installed
AND Package Information
flash-player- is installed
OR flash-player-gnome- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-0.10.36-11.3 is installed
OR gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-lang-0.10.36-11.3 is installed
OR libgstapp-0_10-0-0.10.36-11.3 is installed
OR libgstinterfaces-0_10-0-0.10.36-11.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-default-4.4.21-84 is installed
OR kernel-default-extra-4.4.21-84 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 is installed
AND libosip2-3.5.0-20 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
NetworkManager-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
AND Package Information
PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin-1.1.10-2 is installed
OR PackageKit-gtk3-module-1.1.10-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 is installed
AND Package Information
cups-1.7.5-20.3 is installed
OR cups-client-1.7.5-20.3 is installed
OR cups-libs-1.7.5-20.3 is installed
OR cups-libs-32bit-1.7.5-20.3 is installed