Revision Date: | 2022-06-28 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | libsnmp30-32bit-5.7.3-6.6.1 on GA media (Moderate) |
Description: |
These are all security issues fixed in the libsnmp30-32bit-5.7.3-6.6.1 package on the GA media of SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 12 SP5.
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1092115 1094814 1115645 1138459 1141688 1141853 1146111 1146115 1146123 1146608 1154817 1166066 1168994 1169511 1171352 1172004 1172021 1172177 1173202 1173812 1173991 1174091 1174284 1174463 1174570 1174628 1175686 1176590 CVE-2012-2141 CVE-2014-2284 CVE-2014-2285 CVE-2014-3565 CVE-2015-5621 CVE-2018-1106 CVE-2018-18065 CVE-2018-20852 CVE-2018-9154 CVE-2019-10160 CVE-2019-14809 CVE-2019-14973 CVE-2019-19956 CVE-2019-20907 CVE-2019-9512 CVE-2019-9514 CVE-2020-0034 CVE-2020-10713 CVE-2020-12693 CVE-2020-14308 CVE-2020-14309 CVE-2020-14310 CVE-2020-14311 CVE-2020-14344 CVE-2020-14374 CVE-2020-14375 CVE-2020-14376 CVE-2020-14377 CVE-2020-14378 CVE-2020-15663 CVE-2020-15664 CVE-2020-15670 CVE-2020-15706 CVE-2020-15707 CVE-2020-16121 CVE-2020-1967 CVE-2020-2754 CVE-2020-2755 CVE-2020-2756 CVE-2020-2757 CVE-2020-2773 CVE-2020-2781 CVE-2020-2800 CVE-2020-2803 CVE-2020-2805 CVE-2020-2830 CVE-2020-8164 SUSE-SU-2019:2050-1 SUSE-SU-2019:2213-1
Platform(s): | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 12 SP5 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for additional PackageHub packages 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for High Performance Computing 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SECURITY SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Rasperry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 SUSE Manager Proxy 4.3 SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.3 SUSE Manager Server 4.3
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed AND Package Information
ImageMagick- is installed
OR libMagick++-6_Q16-3- is installed
OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1- is installed
OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1-32bit- is installed
OR libMagickWand-6_Q16-1- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
AND binutils-2.25.0-13 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
AND bogofilter-1.2.4-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-60.3.0-109.50 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
NetworkManager-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR libnm-glib-vpn1-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR libnm-glib4-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR libnm-util2-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR libnm0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0-1.0.12-13.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP4 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP4 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Desktop Applications 15 SP4 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP4 is installed
OR SUSE Manager Proxy 4.3 is installed
OR SUSE Manager Retail Branch Server 4.3 is installed
OR SUSE Manager Server 4.3 is installed
AND Package Information
PackageKit-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR PackageKit-backend-zypp-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR PackageKit-devel-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR PackageKit-lang-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR libpackagekit-glib2-18-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR libpackagekit-glib2-devel-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-PackageKitGlib-1_0-1.2.4-150400.1.11 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP 12 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-3_12_48-52_27-default-5-2.2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-3_12_48-52_27-xen-5-2.2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12_Update_8-5-2.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 is installed
AND Package Information
cluster-md-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR dlm-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR gfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR kernel-default-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
OR ocfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.16 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
cluster-md-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.15 is installed
OR dlm-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.15 is installed
OR gfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.15 is installed
OR kernel-default-4.12.14-197.15 is installed
OR ocfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.15 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 12 SP5 is installed
AND Package Information
libsnmp30-5.7.3-6.6.1 is installed
OR libsnmp30-32bit-5.7.3-6.6.1 is installed
OR net-snmp-5.7.3-6.6.1 is installed
OR perl-SNMP-5.7.3-6.6.1 is installed
OR snmp-mibs-5.7.3-6.6.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS is installed
sudo-1.8.22-4.9 is installed
OR sudo-devel-1.8.22-4.9 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS is installed
sudo-1.8.22-4.9 is installed
OR sudo-devel-1.8.22-4.9 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for additional PackageHub packages 15 is installed
AND Package Information
ffmpeg-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavdevice57-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavfilter6-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for High Performance Computing 15 is installed
AND Package Information
python-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
OR python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel-1.14.0-4.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-default-4.12.14-25.3 is installed
OR reiserfs-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
OR reiserfs-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-23-default-2-4 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15_Update_0-2-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-195-default-2-4 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15-SP1_Update_0-2-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 is installed
AND Package Information
python3-base-3.6.8-3.23 is installed
OR python3-doc-3.6.8-3.23 is installed
OR python3-testsuite-3.6.8-3.23 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libvpx-1.6.1-6.6 is installed
OR libvpx4-32bit-1.6.1-6.6 is installed
OR vpx-tools-1.6.1-6.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-ec2-3.12.67- is installed
OR kernel-ec2-devel-3.12.67- is installed
OR kernel-ec2-extra-3.12.67- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-azure-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
OR kernel-azure-base-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
OR kernel-azure-devel-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
OR kernel-devel-azure-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
OR kernel-source-azure-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
OR kernel-syms-azure-4.12.14-5.19 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 is installed
AND Package Information
389-ds- is installed
OR 389-ds-devel- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 is installed
AND squid-4.8-5.8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-mod_php5-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-curl-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-dba-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-dom-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-enchant-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-exif-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-fileinfo-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-fpm-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-gd-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-imap-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-intl-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-json-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-opcache-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-pear-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-phar-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-posix-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-soap-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-sockets-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-sqlite-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-zip-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.5.14-73.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-mod_php7-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-bcmath-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-bz2-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-calendar-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-ctype-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-curl-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-dba-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-devel-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-dom-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-enchant-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-exif-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-fastcgi-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-fileinfo-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-fpm-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-ftp-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-gd-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-gettext-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-gmp-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-iconv-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-intl-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-json-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-ldap-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-mbstring-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-mysql-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-odbc-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-opcache-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-openssl-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-pcntl-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-pdo-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-pear-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-pear-Archive_Tar-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-pgsql-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-phar-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-posix-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-shmop-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-snmp-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-soap-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-sockets-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-sqlite-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-sysvmsg-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-sysvsem-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-sysvshm-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-tokenizer-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-wddx-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-xmlreader-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-xmlrpc-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-xmlwriter-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-xsl-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-zip-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
OR php7-zlib-7.2.5-4.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
nodejs8-8.15.1-3.17 is installed
OR nodejs8-devel-8.15.1-3.17 is installed
OR nodejs8-docs-8.15.1-3.17 is installed
OR npm8-8.15.1-3.17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-compute-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-compute-base-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-compute-devel-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-compute_debug-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-compute_debug-devel-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-devel-rt-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-rt-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-rt-base-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-rt-devel-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-rt_debug-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-rt_debug-devel-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-source-rt-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
OR kernel-syms-rt-3.12.58-14.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
AND Package Information
libqt4-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-32bit-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-devel-doc-4.8.6-4.6 is installed
OR libqt4-qt3support-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-qt3support-32bit-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-sql-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-sql-32bit-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-sql-mysql-4.8.6-4.1 is installed
OR libqt4-sql-plugins-4.8.6-4.1 is installed
OR libqt4-sql-sqlite-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-x11-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR libqt4-x11-32bit-4.8.6-4.2 is installed
OR qt4-x11-tools-4.8.6-4.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.1i-34 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-32bit-1.0.1i-34 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-hmac-1.0.1i-34 is installed
OR libopenssl1_0_0-hmac-32bit-1.0.1i-34 is installed
OR openssl-1.0.1i-34 is installed
OR openssl-doc-1.0.1i-34 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
alsa- is installed
OR alsa-docs- is installed
OR libasound2- is installed
OR libasound2-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
apache-commons-beanutils-1.9.2-1 is installed
OR apache-commons-beanutils-javadoc-1.9.2-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-3_12_55-52_45-default-3-2.1 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-3_12_55-52_45-xen-3-2.1 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12_Update_13-3-2.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-mod_php7-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-bcmath-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-bz2-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-calendar-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-ctype-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-curl-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-dba-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-devel-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-dom-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-enchant-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-exif-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-fastcgi-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-fileinfo-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-fpm-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-ftp-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-gd-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-gettext-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-gmp-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-iconv-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-intl-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-json-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-ldap-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-mbstring-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-mysql-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-odbc-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-opcache-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-openssl-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-pcntl-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-pdo-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-pear-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-pear-Archive_Tar-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-pgsql-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-phar-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-posix-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-shmop-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-snmp-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-soap-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sockets-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sodium-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sqlite-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sysvmsg-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sysvsem-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-sysvshm-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-tokenizer-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-wddx-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-xmlreader-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-xmlrpc-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-xmlwriter-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-xsl-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-zip-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
OR php7-zlib-7.2.5-4.52 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
guestfs-data-1.32.4-14 is installed
OR guestfs-tools-1.32.4-14 is installed
OR guestfsd-1.32.4-14 is installed
OR libguestfs0-1.32.4-14 is installed
OR perl-Sys-Guestfs-1.32.4-14 is installed
OR python-libguestfs-1.32.4-14 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Rasperry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libX11-1.6.2-8.1 is installed
OR libX11-6-1.6.2-8.1 is installed
OR libX11-data-1.6.2-8.1 is installed
OR libX11-xcb1-1.6.2-8.1 is installed
OR libXfixes-5.0.1-7.1 is installed
OR libXfixes3-5.0.1-7.1 is installed
OR libXi-1.7.4-14.1 is installed
OR libXi6-1.7.4-14.1 is installed
OR libXrender-0.9.8-7.1 is installed
OR libXrender1-0.9.8-7.1 is installed
OR libXtst-1.2.2-7.1 is installed
OR libXtst6-1.2.2-7.1 is installed
OR libXv-1.0.10-7.1 is installed
OR libXv1-1.0.10-7.1 is installed
OR libXvMC-1.0.8-7.1 is installed
OR libXvMC1-1.0.8-7.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_8_0-ibm-1.8.0_sr6.5-3.33 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-alsa-1.8.0_sr6.5-3.33 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-devel-1.8.0_sr6.5-3.33 is installed
OR java-1_8_0-ibm-plugin-1.8.0_sr6.5-3.33 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
ghostscript-devel-8.62-32.34.1 is installed
OR ghostscript-ijs-devel-8.62-32.34.1 is installed
OR libgimpprint-devel-4.2.7-32.34.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 is installed
AND MozillaFirefox-devel-31.1.0esr-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
avahi-compat-howl-devel-0.6.32-30 is installed
OR avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel-0.6.32-30 is installed
OR libavahi-devel-0.6.32-30 is installed
OR libhowl0-0.6.32-30 is installed
OR python-avahi-0.6.32-30 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-default-4.12.14-25.3 is installed
OR kernel-default-extra-4.12.14-25.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
evolution-3.26.6-4.3 is installed
OR evolution-devel-3.26.6-4.3 is installed
OR evolution-lang-3.26.6-4.3 is installed
OR evolution-plugin-bogofilter-3.26.6-4.3 is installed
OR evolution-plugin-pst-import-3.26.6-4.3 is installed
OR evolution-plugin-spamassassin-3.26.6-4.3 is installed