Collective Xen/201004 Update, containing fixes for the following issues:
bnc#576832 - pygrub, reiserfs: Fix on-disk structure definition bnc#537370 - Xen on SLES 11 does not boot - endless loop in ATA detection bnc#561912 - xend leaks memory bnc#564750 - Keyboard Caps Lock key works abnormal under SLES11 xen guest OS. bnc#548443 - keymap setting not preserved bnc#555152 - 'NAME' column in xentop (SLES11) output limited to 10 characters unlike SLES10 bnc#553631 - L3: diskpart will not run on windows 2008 bnc#548852 - DL585G2 - plug-in PCI cards fail in IO-APIC mode bnc#529195 - xend: disallow ! as a sxp separator bnc#550397 - xend: bootable flag of VBD not always of type int bnc#545470 - Xen vifname parameter is ignored when using type=ioemu in guest configuration file bnc#541945 - xm create -x command does not work in SLES 10 SP2 or SLES 11 bnc#542525 - xen pygrub vulnerability (CVE-2009-3525) bnc#481592 and fate#306125 - Virtual machines are not able to boot from CD to allow upgrade to OES2SP1 (sle10 bug) bnc#553633 - Update breaks menu access keys in virt-viewer and still misses some key sequences. (sle10 bug) fate#306720: xen: virt-manager cdrom handling. bnc#547590 - L3: virt-manager is unable of displaying VNC console on remote hosts bnc#572691 - libvird segfaults when trying to create a kvm guest bnc#573748 - L3: Virsh gives error Device 51712 not connected after updating libvirt modules bnc#548438 - libcmpiutil / libvirt-cim does not properly handle CIM_ prefixed bnc#513921: Xen doesn't work get an eror when starting the install processes or starting a pervious installed DomU bnc#526855: Cannot set MAC address for PV guest in vm-install
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