Revision Date: | 2020-12-03 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | libsrtp-devel-1.5.2-3.2.1 on GA media (Moderate) |
Description: |
These are all security issues fixed in the libsrtp-devel-1.5.2-3.2.1 package on the GA media of SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP5.
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1076530 1083689 1091610 1091764 1092187 1096368 1097375 1097401 1097404 1099465 1100369 1104199 1104202 1105606 1106699 1108674 1109160 1109609 1118367 1118368 1120189 1120489 1128220 1132385 1133035 1141063 1144797 1153451 1153459 1156205 1157051 1159284 1161168 1162224 1162367 1162825 1165572 1167437 1168340 1168994 1169604 1170104 1170288 1170667 1170713 1171313 1171740 1171906 1172075 1172743 1172958 1173072 1173307 1173311 1173812 1173983 1174165 1174463 1174570 1175443 1176092 1176262 1176674 1177211 1178150 906079 991201 CVE-2013-2139 CVE-2016-5416 CVE-2017-15134 CVE-2017-15135 CVE-2017-3136 CVE-2018-1000168 CVE-2018-1054 CVE-2018-10850 CVE-2018-10871 CVE-2018-1089 CVE-2018-10915 CVE-2018-10925 CVE-2018-10935 CVE-2018-10935 CVE-2018-1115 CVE-2018-14624 CVE-2018-14638 CVE-2018-14648 CVE-2018-15750 CVE-2018-15751 CVE-2018-20217 CVE-2018-5741 CVE-2018-7161 CVE-2018-7167 CVE-2019-17041 CVE-2019-17042 CVE-2019-20916 CVE-2019-3883 CVE-2019-3902 CVE-2019-6477 CVE-2019-9674 CVE-2020-10713 CVE-2020-11651 CVE-2020-11652 CVE-2020-13867 CVE-2020-14308 CVE-2020-14309 CVE-2020-14310 CVE-2020-14311 CVE-2020-15706 CVE-2020-15707 CVE-2020-16125 CVE-2020-26116 CVE-2020-8492 CVE-2020-8616 CVE-2020-8617 CVE-2020-8618 CVE-2020-8619 CVE-2020-8620 CVE-2020-8621 CVE-2020-8622 CVE-2020-8623 CVE-2020-8624 SUSE-SU-2018:1918-1 SUSE-SU-2018:2564-1 SUSE-SU-2019:1207-1 SUSE-SU-2019:2155-1 SUSE-SU-2019:2937-1 SUSE-SU-2020:0510-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1709-2 SUSE-SU-2020:1974-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2074-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2101-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2784-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2914-1
Platform(s): | SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 is installed AND python-requests-2.3.0-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
libxml2-2.7.6-0.37.1 is installed
OR libxml2-32bit-2.7.6-0.37.1 is installed
OR libxml2-python-2.7.6-0.37.4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
AND Package Information
dbus-1-glib-0.100.2-3 is installed
OR dbus-1-glib-32bit-0.100.2-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
accountsservice-0.6.35-3 is installed
OR accountsservice-lang-0.6.35-3 is installed
OR libaccountsservice0-0.6.35-3 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0-0.6.35-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
at-3.1.14-7 is installed
OR libQtWebKit4-4.8.6+2.3.3-3 is installed
OR libQtWebKit4-32bit-4.8.6+2.3.3-3 is installed
OR libbonobo-2.32.1-16 is installed
OR libbonobo-32bit-2.32.1-16 is installed
OR libbonobo-lang-2.32.1-16 is installed
OR libkde4-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libkde4-32bit-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libkdecore4-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libkdecore4-32bit-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libksuseinstall1-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libksuseinstall1-32bit-4.12.0-7 is installed
OR libnetpbm11-10.66.3-4 is installed
OR libnetpbm11-32bit-10.66.3-4 is installed
OR netpbm-10.66.3-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND argyllcms-1.6.3-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
gnome-shell-3.20.4-77.17 is installed
OR gnome-shell-browser-plugin-3.20.4-77.17 is installed
OR gnome-shell-calendar-3.20.4-77.17 is installed
OR gnome-shell-lang-3.20.4-77.17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP 12 is installed
AND Package Information
compat-libldap-2_3-0-2.3.37-16.1 is installed
OR openldap2-2.4.39-16.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libpacemaker3-1.1.15-19 is installed
OR pacemaker-1.1.15-19 is installed
OR pacemaker-cli-1.1.15-19 is installed
OR pacemaker-cts-1.1.15-19 is installed
OR pacemaker-remote-1.1.15-19 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP3 is installed
AND fence-agents-4.0.25+git.1485179354.eb43835-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP4 is installed
AND libpcreposix0-8.39-8.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 is installed
AND Package Information
cluster-md-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.19 is installed
OR dlm-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.19 is installed
OR gfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.19 is installed
OR kernel-default-4.12.14-25.19 is installed
OR ocfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-25.19 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
cluster-md-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
OR dlm-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
OR gfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
OR kernel-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
OR ocfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
ruby2.5-rubygem-actionpack-5_1-5.1.4-3.6 is installed
OR rubygem-actionpack-5_1-5.1.4-3.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS is installed
rpmlint-1.10-7.12 is installed
OR rpmlint-mini-1.10-5.12 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS is installed
rpmlint-1.10-7.12 is installed
OR rpmlint-mini-1.10-5.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-4_4_74-92_29-default-4-4 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_10-4-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12 is installed
AND Package Information
puppet-3.6.2-3 is installed
OR puppet-server-3.6.2-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Open Buildservice Development Tools 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libpython2_7-1_0-32bit-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-32bit-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-base-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-base-32bit-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-demo-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-doc-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-doc-pdf-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
OR python-idle-2.7.17-7.44 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
python-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
OR python-base-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
OR python-curses-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
OR python-devel-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
OR python-gdbm-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
OR python-xml-2.7.17-7.35 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Python2 packages 15 SP2 is installed
AND mercurial-4.5.2-3.9 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 is installed
AND Package Information
libecpg6-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-contrib-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-devel-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-docs-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-plperl-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-plpython-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-pltcl-10.5-4.5 is installed
OR postgresql10-server-10.5-4.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
389-ds- is installed
OR 389-ds-devel- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Server Applications 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
grub2-2.04-9.7 is installed
OR grub2-x86_64-xen-2.04-9.7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-mod_php5-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-bcmath-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-bz2-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-calendar-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-ctype-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-curl-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-dba-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-dom-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-enchant-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-exif-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-fastcgi-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-fileinfo-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-fpm-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-ftp-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-gd-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-gettext-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-gmp-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-iconv-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-intl-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-json-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-ldap-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-mbstring-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-mcrypt-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-mysql-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-odbc-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-openssl-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-pcntl-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-pdo-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-pear-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-pgsql-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-pspell-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-shmop-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-snmp-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-soap-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-sockets-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-sqlite-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-suhosin-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-sysvmsg-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-sysvsem-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-sysvshm-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-tokenizer-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-wddx-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-xmlreader-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-xmlrpc-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-xmlwriter-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-xsl-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-zip-5.5.14-4 is installed
OR php5-zlib-5.5.14-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 is installed
AND Package Information
nodejs8-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR nodejs8-devel-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR nodejs8-docs-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
OR npm8-8.11.3-3.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 15 SP1 is installed
AND apache-commons-beanutils-1.9.2-4.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
squidGuard-1.4-13.6.1 is installed
OR squidGuard-doc-1.4-13.6.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
libpng12-0-1.2.31-5.31.1 is installed
OR libpng12-0-32bit-1.2.31-5.31.1 is installed
OR libpng12-0-x86-1.2.31-5.31.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
krb5-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-32bit-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-apps-clients-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-apps-servers-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-client-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-server-1.6.3- is installed
OR krb5-x86-1.6.3- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
AND Package Information
colord-gtk-lang-0.1.25-3 is installed
OR libcolord-gtk1-0.1.25-3 is installed
OR libcolord2-1.1.7-2 is installed
OR libcolord2-32bit-1.1.7-2 is installed
OR libcolorhug2-1.1.7-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND apache-commons-httpclient-3.1-4 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-45.4.0esr-81 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-45.4.0esr-81 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
AND apache2-mod_nss-1.0.14-19.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12 SP5 is installed
OR SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP5 is installed
AND libsrtp-devel-1.5.2-3.2.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-3_12_55-52_45-default-2-2.3 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-3_12_55-52_45-xen-2-2.3 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12_Update_13-2-2.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
OR apache2-devel-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
OR apache2-doc-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
OR apache2-prefork-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
OR apache2-utils-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
OR apache2-worker-2.4.33-3.30 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND apache2-mod_perl-2.0.8-11 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 is installed
AND nginx-1.16.1-3.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 is installed
AND Package Information
xorg-x11-server-7.6_1.15.2-21.1 is installed
OR xorg-x11-server-sdk-7.6_1.15.2-21.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
xfsprogs-3.2.1-3.5 is installed
OR xfsprogs-devel-3.2.1-3.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 is installed
AND xen-devel-4.7.0_12-23 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
FastCGI-2.4.0-168 is installed
OR FastCGI-devel-2.4.0-168 is installed
OR perl-FastCGI-2.4.0-168 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 is installed
AND bash-lang-4.2-75 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
AND transfig-3.2.6a-4.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
Mesa-dri-nouveau-18.3.2-34.9 is installed
OR Mesa-drivers-18.3.2-34.9 is installed
OR libXvMC_nouveau-18.3.2-34.9 is installed
OR libvdpau_nouveau-18.3.2-34.9 is installed