Revision Date: | 2020-12-07 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | Security update for the Linux Kernel (Live Patch 7 for SLE 12 SP5) (Important) |
Description: |
This update for the Linux Kernel 4.12.14-122_29 fixes several issues.
The following security issues were fixed:
- CVE-2020-25668: Fixed a concurrency use-after-free in con_font_op (bsc#1178622). - CVE-2020-8694: Fixed an insufficient access control in the Linux kernel driver for some Intel(R) Processors which might have allowed an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access (bsc#1178700). - CVE-2020-25705: Fixed a flaw which could have allowed an off-path remote user to effectively bypass source port UDP randomization (bsc#1178783). - Fixed an issue where system was hanging due to a massive amount of soft lockups in btrfs_drop_and_free_fs_root() (bsc#1178046).
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1012382 1031392 1051510 1051979 1055120 1061840 1065729 1066110 1071995 1077761 1082519 1085030 1086274 1086314 1087081 1088047 1089343 1090078 1094244 1098369 1098633 1098782 1099811 1099813 1099844 1099845 1099846 1099849 1099858 1099863 1099864 1100132 1101116 1101331 1101669 1101828 1101832 1101833 1101837 1101839 1101841 1101843 1101844 1101845 1101847 1101852 1101853 1101867 1101872 1101874 1101875 1101882 1101883 1101885 1101887 1101890 1101891 1101893 1101895 1101896 1101900 1101902 1101903 1102495 1102633 1102658 1103097 1103269 1103356 1103405 1103421 1103517 1103587 1103636 1103723 1103724 1103725 1103726 1103727 1103728 1103729 1103730 1103917 1103920 1103948 1103949 1103990 1103991 1103992 1104066 1104111 1104174 1104211 1104319 1104888 1105190 1105795 1106105 1106240 1106383 1106948 1107783 1107829 1107928 1107947 1108096 1108170 1108281 1108323 1108399 1108823 1109244 1109333 1109336 1109337 1109603 1109806 1109837 1109859 1109979 1109992 1110006 1110301 1110363 1110639 1110642 1110643 1110644 1110645 1110646 1110647 1110649 1110650 1111666 1112374 1114685 1119113 1119532 1120423 1125703 1128902 1129271 1129272 1129452 1130836 1131645 1132390 1133375 1133401 1133738 1134303 1134395 1135556 1135642 1135897 1136161 1136264 1136343 1136935 1137625 1137728 1138879 1139712 1139751 1139771 1139865 1140133 1140228 1140328 1140405 1140424 1140428 1140454 1140463 1140575 1140577 1140637 1140658 1140715 1140719 1140726 1140727 1140728 1140747 1140814 1140887 1140888 1140889 1140891 1140893 1140948 1140954 1140955 1140956 1140957 1140958 1140959 1140960 1140961 1140962 1140964 1140971 1140972 1140992 1150711 1154063 1155690 1156202 1159913 1160682 1162629 1162632 1165280 1165289 1165631 1169365 1172175 1172176 1172225 1173027 1178046 1178622 1178700 1178783 CVE-2018-10876 CVE-2018-10877 CVE-2018-10878 CVE-2018-10879 CVE-2018-10880 CVE-2018-10881 CVE-2018-10882 CVE-2018-10883 CVE-2018-14633 CVE-2018-17182 CVE-2018-20836 CVE-2018-3620 CVE-2018-3646 CVE-2018-3760 CVE-2018-5391 CVE-2019-10126 CVE-2019-10638 CVE-2019-10639 CVE-2019-11478 CVE-2019-11599 CVE-2019-13233 CVE-2019-20372 CVE-2019-20807 CVE-2019-5108 CVE-2019-5418 CVE-2019-5419 CVE-2019-9928 CVE-2020-11076 CVE-2020-11077 CVE-2020-1749 CVE-2020-25668 CVE-2020-25705 CVE-2020-7059 CVE-2020-7060 CVE-2020-7062 CVE-2020-7063 CVE-2020-8177 CVE-2020-8694 SUSE-SU-2018:1994-1 SUSE-SU-2018:2380-1 SUSE-SU-2018:3159-1 SUSE-SU-2019:1854-1 SUSE-SU-2019:1888-1 SUSE-SU-2020:0622-1 SUSE-SU-2020:0868-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1171-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1177-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1300-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1551-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1773-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1919-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2583-1
Platform(s): | SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP5 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Containers 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for VMWare 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP2
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Cloud Compute Node for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 5 is installed AND python-Beaker-1.6.4-0.7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 is installed
AND Package Information
libreoffice- is installed
OR libreoffice-sdk- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 SP1 is installed
AND kernel-zfcpdump-3.12.59-60.45 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Build System Kit 12 SP2 is installed
AND kernel-zfcpdump-4.4.21-90 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
AND argyllcms-1.6.3-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
emacs-24.3-14 is installed
OR emacs-info-24.3-14 is installed
OR emacs-x11-24.3-14 is installed
OR etags-24.3-14 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
eog-3.20.4-7 is installed
OR eog-lang-3.20.4-7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
alsa- is installed
OR libasound2- is installed
OR libasound2-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
alsa- is installed
OR libasound2- is installed
OR libasound2-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP2 is installed
AND python-PyYAML-3.10-17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 12 SP3 is installed
AND conntrack-tools-1.4.2-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 is installed
AND Package Information
ruby2.5-rubygem-sprockets-3.7.2-3.3 is installed
OR rubygem-sprockets-3.7.2-3.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
cluster-md-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.10 is installed
OR dlm-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.10 is installed
OR gfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.10 is installed
OR kernel-default-4.12.14-197.10 is installed
OR ocfs2-kmp-default-4.12.14-197.10 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
Release Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-ESPOS is installed
rpmlint-1.10-7.12 is installed
OR rpmlint-mini-1.10-5.12 is installed
OR Package Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15-LTSS is installed
rpmlint-1.10-7.12 is installed
OR rpmlint-mini-1.10-5.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-4_4_131-94_29-default-9-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP3_Update_12-9-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-4_12_14-95_3-default-4-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP4_Update_1-4-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 12 SP5 is installed
AND kgraft-patch-4_12_14-122_29-default-5-2.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Advanced Systems Management 12 is installed
AND Package Information
libzmq3-4.0.4-15.3 is installed
OR zeromq-4.0.4-15.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Containers 12 is installed
AND docker-runc-1.0.0rc8+gitr3826_425e105d5a03-1.32 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Legacy Software 12 is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_6_0-ibm-1.6.0_sr16.25-34 is installed
OR java-1_6_0-ibm-fonts-1.6.0_sr16.25-34 is installed
OR java-1_6_0-ibm-jdbc-1.6.0_sr16.25-34 is installed
OR java-1_6_0-ibm-plugin-1.6.0_sr16.25-34 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-150_47-default-3-2 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15_Update_17-3-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Live Patching 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-197_4-default-3-2 is installed
OR kernel-livepatch-SLE15-SP1_Update_1-3-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Public Cloud 12 is installed
AND python-pycrypto-2.6.1-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 is installed
AND Package Information
cpio-2.9- is installed
OR cpio-lang-2.9- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
glibc-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-32bit-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-devel-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-devel-32bit-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-html-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-i18ndata-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-info-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-locale-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-locale-32bit-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-locale-x86-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-profile-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-profile-32bit-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-profile-x86-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR glibc-x86-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
OR nscd-2.11.3-17.84.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 is installed
AND Package Information
aaa_base-13.2+git20140911.61c1681-1 is installed
OR aaa_base-extras-13.2+git20140911.61c1681-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
alsa- is installed
OR alsa-docs- is installed
OR libasound2- is installed
OR libasound2-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
AND dnsmasq-2.71-10 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-52.2.0esr-108 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-52.2.0esr-108 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
python-pyOpenSSL-16.0.0-4.6 is installed
OR python3-pyOpenSSL-16.0.0-4.6 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15-LTSS is installed
AND nginx-1.16.1-3.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspberry Pi 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
alsa- is installed
OR alsa-docs- is installed
OR libasound2- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 is installed
AND squid-4.11-5.17 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
binutils-devel-2.23.1-0.23.15 is installed
OR binutils-devel-32bit-2.23.1-0.23.15 is installed
OR binutils-gold-2.23.1-0.23.15 is installed
OR cross-ppc-binutils-2.23.1-0.23.2 is installed
OR cross-spu-binutils-2.23.1-0.23.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 is installed
AND dia-0.97.2-13 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
gdk-pixbuf-2.30.6-7.2 is installed
OR gdk-pixbuf-devel-2.30.6-7.2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libpacemaker-devel-1.1.15-21.1 is installed
OR pacemaker-1.1.15-21.1 is installed
OR pacemaker-cts-1.1.15-21.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
colord-1.1.7-5 is installed
OR colord-lang-1.1.7-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
NetworkManager-1.0.12-8 is installed
OR NetworkManager-lang-1.0.12-8 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-NM-1_0-1.0.12-8 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
ImageMagick- is installed
OR libMagick++-6_Q16-3- is installed
OR libMagickCore-6_Q16-1-32bit- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 is installed
AND Package Information
ffmpeg-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavcodec-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavformat-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavformat57-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavresample-devel-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
OR libavresample3-3.4.2-4.12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaThunderbird-60.7.0-3.36 is installed
OR MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-60.7.0-3.36 is installed
OR MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-60.7.0-3.36 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaThunderbird-68.12.0-3.94 is installed
OR MozillaThunderbird-translations-common-68.12.0-3.94 is installed
OR MozillaThunderbird-translations-other-68.12.0-3.94 is installed