Revision Date: | 2023-04-13 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | Security update for avahi (Moderate) (in QA) |
Description: |
This update for avahi fixes the following issues:
- CVE-2023-1981: Fixed crash in avahi-daemon (bsc#1210328).
This patch is currently in QA and not yet available for download.
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1026236 1027519 1046299 1046303 1046305 1050244 1050536 1050545 1051510 1051684 1051685 1053259 1054914 1055117 1055186 1058058 1059777 1061076 1061077 1061080 1061081 1061082 1061084 1061086 1061087 1061840 1064715 1064716 1064802 1065600 1065729 1066129 1069468 1071995 1073513 1082555 1086323 1087092 1088047 1089644 1093205 1094555 1097583 1097584 1097585 1097586 1097587 1097588 1098291 1098633 1101674 1104967 1105528 1106383 1106751 1109137 1109158 1113722 1114279 1114988 1115040 1115045 1115047 1116380 1117665 1117756 1119086 1119161 1119532 1120423 1122363 1123034 1123080 1123157 1124167 1124493 1126140 1126141 1126192 1126195 1126196 1126197 1126198 1126201 1126325 1127155 1127400 1127988 1128432 1128902 1128910 1129623 1131304 1132154 1132390 1133140 1133401 1133738 1134303 1134395 1135296 1135556 1135642 1135854 1135873 1136157 1136811 1136922 1137103 1137194 1137221 1137366 1137429 1137625 1137728 1137799 1137832 1137861 1137865 1137884 1137959 1137995 1137996 1137998 1137999 1138000 1138002 1138003 1138005 1138006 1138007 1138008 1138009 1138010 1138011 1138012 1138013 1138014 1138015 1138016 1138017 1138018 1138019 1138291 1138293 1138374 1138375 1138589 1138719 1139751 1139771 1139782 1139865 1140133 1140155 1140328 1140405 1140424 1140428 1140575 1140577 1140637 1140658 1140715 1140719 1140726 1140727 1140728 1140729 1140814 1140845 1140883 1140948 1141600 1142076 1142635 1142667 1144375 1144449 1145099 1146042 1146519 1146540 1146664 1148133 1148410 1148712 1148868 1149313 1149446 1149555 1149651 1150381 1150423 1150452 1150465 1150875 1151350 1151508 1151610 1151667 1151671 1151680 1151891 1151955 1152024 1152025 1152026 1152161 1152325 1152457 1152460 1152466 1152788 1152791 1152972 1152974 1152975 1153112 1153158 1153236 1153263 1153646 1153713 1153717 1153718 1153719 1153811 1154108 1154189 1154354 1154372 1154578 1154607 1154608 1154610 1154611 1154651 1154747 1210328 815451 821419 821668 896202 896435 898003 899524 900275 900276 905483 915512 916214 916215 916217 920057 928740 929919 934333 936676 945811 950474 962983 962996 CVE-2009-1885 CVE-2013-2062 CVE-2013-4509 CVE-2014-3591 CVE-2014-9328 CVE-2015-0252 CVE-2015-1461 CVE-2015-1462 CVE-2015-1463 CVE-2015-7645 CVE-2016-0755 CVE-2017-13089 CVE-2017-13090 CVE-2017-15588 CVE-2017-15589 CVE-2017-15590 CVE-2017-15591 CVE-2017-15592 CVE-2017-15593 CVE-2017-15594 CVE-2017-15595 CVE-2017-18595 CVE-2017-5526 CVE-2017-7546 CVE-2017-7547 CVE-2017-7548 CVE-2017-9798 CVE-2018-16871 CVE-2018-19665 CVE-2018-19961 CVE-2018-19962 CVE-2018-19965 CVE-2018-19966 CVE-2018-19967 CVE-2018-20836 CVE-2019-10126 CVE-2019-10638 CVE-2019-10639 CVE-2019-11478 CVE-2019-11599 CVE-2019-12456 CVE-2019-12614 CVE-2019-12749 CVE-2019-12818 CVE-2019-12819 CVE-2019-14821 CVE-2019-15291 CVE-2019-16232 CVE-2019-16234 CVE-2019-17056 CVE-2019-17133 CVE-2019-17666 CVE-2019-3820 CVE-2019-6778 CVE-2019-9506 CVE-2019-9824 CVE-2023-1981 SUSE-SU-2015:0291-1 SUSE-SU-2015:1179-1 SUSE-SU-2015:1771-1 SUSE-SU-2016:0340-1 SUSE-SU-2017:2355-1 SUSE-SU-2017:2718-1 SUSE-SU-2017:2871-2 SUSE-SU-2017:2873-1 SUSE-SU-2019:1390-1 SUSE-SU-2019:2879-1
Platform(s): | openSUSE Leap 15.0 openSUSE Leap 15.1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-BCL SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.0 is installed AND Package Information
bash-4.4-lp150.7 is installed
OR bash-doc-4.4-lp150.7 is installed
OR bash-lang-4.4-lp150.7 is installed
OR libreadline7-7.0-lp150.7 is installed
OR readline-doc-7.0-lp150.7 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.1 is installed
AND ansible-2.8.1-12 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
xorg-x11-libXp-7.4-1.18 is installed
OR xorg-x11-libXp-32bit-7.4-1.18 is installed
OR xorg-x11-libXp-devel-7.4-1.18 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
flash-player- is installed
OR flash-player-gnome- is installed
OR flash-player-kde4- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is installed
AND Package Information
libgcrypt-1.6.1-13 is installed
OR libgcrypt20-1.6.1-13 is installed
OR libgcrypt20-32bit-1.6.1-13 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
xen-4.9.4_02-3.50 is installed
OR xen-libs-4.9.4_02-3.50 is installed
OR xen-libs-32bit-4.9.4_02-3.50 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
gnome-shell-3.20.4-77.23 is installed
OR gnome-shell-browser-plugin-3.20.4-77.23 is installed
OR gnome-shell-calendar-3.20.4-77.23 is installed
OR gnome-shell-lang-3.20.4-77.23 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5.4 is installed
AND Package Information
avahi-0.8-150400.7.3.1 is installed
OR libavahi-client3-0.8-150400.7.3.1 is installed
OR libavahi-common3-0.8-150400.7.3.1 is installed
OR libavahi-core7-0.8-150400.7.3.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 is installed
AND Package Information
ibus-chewing- is installed
OR ibus-pinyin-1.5.0-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
apache2-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
OR apache2-doc-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
OR apache2-example-pages-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
OR apache2-prefork-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
OR apache2-utils-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
OR apache2-worker-2.4.16-20.13 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 is installed
AND Package Information
libXv1-1.0.10-3 is installed
OR libXv1-32bit-1.0.10-3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-BCL is installed
AND Package Information
tomcat-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-admin-webapps-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-docs-webapp-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-el-3_0-api-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-javadoc-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-jsp-2_3-api-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-lib-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-servlet-3_1-api-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
OR tomcat-webapps-8.0.53-29.32 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-ESPOS is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
kgraft-patch-4_4_121-92_80-default-3-2 is installed
OR kgraft-patch-SLE12-SP2_Update_22-3-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 is installed
AND Package Information
libQt5Concurrent5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Core5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5DBus5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Gui5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Network5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5OpenGL5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5PrintSupport5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Sql5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Sql5-mysql-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Sql5-postgresql-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Sql5-sqlite-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Sql5-unixODBC-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Test5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Widgets5-5.6.2-5 is installed
OR libQt5Xml5-5.6.2-5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL is installed
AND Package Information
libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
OR libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_0-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_0-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
OR webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
OR webkit2gtk3-2.24.4-2.47 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.50-38.41 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
AND ant-1.9.4-3.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
AND dstat-0.7.3-1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 is installed
AND Package Information
postgresql94-9.4.13-21.5 is installed
OR postgresql94-contrib-9.4.13-21.5 is installed
OR postgresql94-docs-9.4.13-21.5 is installed
OR postgresql94-server-9.4.13-21.5 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 is installed
AND ucode-intel-20180807-13.29 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8 is installed
AND Package Information
libruby2_1-2_1-2.1.9-19.3 is installed
OR ruby2.1-2.1.9-19.3 is installed
OR ruby2.1-stdlib-2.1.9-19.3 is installed