Revision Date: | 2021-08-09 | Version: | 1 |
Title: | autofs-5.1.3-7.3.1 on GA media (Moderate) |
Description: |
These are all security issues fixed in the autofs-5.1.3-7.3.1 package on the GA media of SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SP3.
Family: | unix | Class: | patch |
Status: | | Reference(s): | 1046305 1046306 1050252 1050549 1051510 1054610 1055121 1056658 1056662 1056787 1060463 1063638 1065600 1070995 1071995 1078355 1082943 1083548 1083647 1084216 1086095 1086282 1086301 1086313 1086314 1086323 1087082 1087092 1088133 1094555 1098382 1098425 1098995 1101644 1101645 1101651 1101656 1103429 1104353 1106105 1106434 1106811 1107078 1107665 1108101 1108870 1109695 1110096 1110705 1111586 1111666 1112142 1112143 1112144 1112146 1112147 1112152 1112153 1113042 1113712 1113722 1113939 1114279 1114585 1114893 1117001 1117108 1117155 1117260 1117645 1117947 1118338 1119019 1119086 1119766 1119843 1120008 1120318 1120601 1120758 1120854 1120902 1120909 1120955 1121317 1121726 1121789 1121805 1121826 1122159 1122192 1122324 1122554 1122662 1122764 1122779 1122822 1122885 1122927 1122944 1122971 1122982 1123060 1123061 1123161 1123317 1123348 1123357 1123456 1123538 1123697 1123882 1123933 1124055 1124204 1124235 1124579 1124589 1124728 1124732 1124735 1124969 1124974 1124975 1124976 1124978 1124979 1124980 1124981 1124982 1124984 1124985 1125109 1125125 1125252 1125315 1125614 1125728 1125780 1125797 1125799 1125800 1125907 1125947 1126131 1126209 1126284 1126389 1126393 1126476 1126480 1126481 1126488 1126495 1126555 1126579 1126789 1126790 1126802 1126803 1126804 1126805 1126806 1126807 1127042 1127062 1127081 1127082 1127154 1127285 1127286 1127307 1127363 1127493 1127494 1127495 1127496 1127497 1127498 1127534 1127561 1127567 1127577 1127595 1127603 1127682 1127731 1127750 1127836 1127961 1128094 1128166 1128351 1128378 1128451 1128503 1128895 1129016 1129046 1129080 1129163 1129179 1129181 1129182 1129183 1129184 1129205 1129281 1129284 1129285 1129291 1129292 1129293 1129294 1129295 1129296 1129326 1129327 1129330 1129363 1129366 1129497 1129519 1129543 1129547 1129551 1129581 1129625 1129664 1129739 1129923 1130267 1144903 1153108 1153158 1153161 1167373 1169511 1172277 1172405 1173304 1174628 1175193 1175194 1178666 1178667 1178668 807502 828192 CVE-2009-0037 CVE-2009-2417 CVE-2013-0249 CVE-2013-1944 CVE-2013-2174 CVE-2013-4545 CVE-2014-0015 CVE-2014-0138 CVE-2014-0139 CVE-2014-3613 CVE-2014-3620 CVE-2014-3707 CVE-2014-8139 CVE-2014-8140 CVE-2014-8141 CVE-2014-8150 CVE-2014-8169 CVE-2014-9636 CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2015-3143 CVE-2015-3144 CVE-2015-3145 CVE-2015-3148 CVE-2015-3153 CVE-2015-3236 CVE-2015-3237 CVE-2015-7696 CVE-2015-7697 CVE-2015-8803 CVE-2015-8804 CVE-2015-8805 CVE-2016-0755 CVE-2016-5419 CVE-2016-5420 CVE-2016-5421 CVE-2016-6489 CVE-2016-7141 CVE-2016-7167 CVE-2016-8615 CVE-2016-8616 CVE-2016-8617 CVE-2016-8618 CVE-2016-8619 CVE-2016-8620 CVE-2016-8621 CVE-2016-8622 CVE-2016-8623 CVE-2016-8624 CVE-2016-8625 CVE-2016-9586 CVE-2016-9594 CVE-2016-9844 CVE-2017-1000099 CVE-2017-1000100 CVE-2017-1000101 CVE-2017-1000254 CVE-2017-1000257 CVE-2017-2629 CVE-2017-7407 CVE-2017-7468 CVE-2017-8816 CVE-2017-8817 CVE-2017-8818 CVE-2017-9502 CVE-2018-0500 CVE-2018-1000005 CVE-2018-1000007 CVE-2018-1000035 CVE-2018-1000120 CVE-2018-1000121 CVE-2018-1000122 CVE-2018-1000300 CVE-2018-1000301 CVE-2018-12181 CVE-2018-13785 CVE-2018-14618 CVE-2018-16435 CVE-2018-17095 CVE-2018-19416 CVE-2018-19517 CVE-2018-20669 CVE-2018-2938 CVE-2018-2940 CVE-2018-2952 CVE-2018-2973 CVE-2018-3136 CVE-2018-3139 CVE-2018-3149 CVE-2018-3169 CVE-2018-3180 CVE-2018-3214 CVE-2018-3639 CVE-2019-0160 CVE-2019-10220 CVE-2019-17133 CVE-2019-18860 CVE-2019-2024 CVE-2019-3459 CVE-2019-3460 CVE-2019-3819 CVE-2019-6133 CVE-2019-6974 CVE-2019-7221 CVE-2019-7222 CVE-2019-7308 CVE-2019-8912 CVE-2019-8980 CVE-2019-9213 CVE-2020-14059 CVE-2020-14344 CVE-2020-14349 CVE-2020-14350 CVE-2020-25694 CVE-2020-25695 CVE-2020-25696 CVE-2020-2654 CVE-2020-2756 CVE-2020-2757 CVE-2020-2781 CVE-2020-2800 CVE-2020-2803 CVE-2020-2805 CVE-2020-2830 CVE-2020-8022 SUSE-SU-2019:0049-1 SUSE-SU-2019:0766-1 SUSE-SU-2019:0767-1 SUSE-SU-2019:1326-1 SUSE-SU-2020:1683-1 SUSE-SU-2020:2196-1 SUSE-SU-2020:3464-1
Platform(s): | openSUSE Leap 15.1 openSUSE Leap 15.2 openSUSE Leap 15.2 NonFree SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-ESPOS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-LTSS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3 SUSE Manager Proxy 4.2 SUSE Manager Server 4.2
| Product(s): | |
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.1 is installed AND Package Information
libvlc5- is installed
OR libvlccore9- is installed
OR vlc- is installed
OR vlc-codec-gstreamer- is installed
OR vlc-devel- is installed
OR vlc-jack- is installed
OR vlc-lang- is installed
OR vlc-noX- is installed
OR vlc-qt- is installed
OR vlc-vdpau- is installed
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.2 is installed
AND Package Information
chromedriver-85.0.4183.69-lp152.2.20 is installed
OR chromium-85.0.4183.69-lp152.2.20 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
openSUSE Leap 15.2 NonFree is installed
AND opera-70.0.3728.133-lp152.2.15 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Basesystem 15 SP3 is installed
AND autofs-5.1.3-7.3.1 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-BCL is installed
AND Package Information
java-1_7_1-ibm-1.7.1_sr4.65-38.53 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-alsa-1.7.1_sr4.65-38.53 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-devel-1.7.1_sr4.65-38.53 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-jdbc-1.7.1_sr4.65-38.53 is installed
OR java-1_7_1-ibm-plugin-1.7.1_sr4.65-38.53 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-ESPOS is installed
AND Package Information
libpolkit0-0.113-5.18 is installed
OR polkit-0.113-5.18 is installed
OR typelib-1_0-Polkit-1_0-0.113-5.18 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3-TERADATA is installed
AND Package Information
audiofile-0.3.6-11.3 is installed
OR libaudiofile1-0.3.6-11.3 is installed
OR libaudiofile1-32bit-0.3.6-11.3 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 is installed
AND Package Information
curl-7.60.0-2 is installed
OR libcurl4-7.60.0-2 is installed
OR libcurl4-32bit-7.60.0-2 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-ESPOS is installed
AND Package Information
MozillaFirefox-78.3.0-112.22 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-devel-78.3.0-112.22 is installed
OR MozillaFirefox-translations-common-78.3.0-112.22 is installed
Definition Synopsis |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4-LTSS is installed
AND Package Information
libzypp-16.21.2-2.45 is installed
OR libzypp-devel-16.21.2-2.45 is installed