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LibreOffice was updated to version (SUSE 4.0-patch26, tag suse-4.0-26, based on upstream
Two security issues have been fixed:
* DOCM memory corruption vulnerability. (CVE-2013-4156, bnc#831578) * Data exposure using crafted OLE objects. (CVE-2014-3575, bnc#893141)
The following non-security issues have been fixed:
* chart shown flipped (bnc#834722) * chart missing dataset (bnc#839727) * import new line in text (bnc#828390) * lines running off screens (bnc#819614) * add set-all language menu (bnc#863021) * text rotation (bnc#783433, bnc#862510) * page border shadow testcase (bnc#817956) * one more clickable field fix (bnc#802888) * multilevel labels are rotated (bnc#820273) * incorrect nested table margins (bnc#816593) * use BitmapURL only if its valid (bnc#821567) * import gradfill for text colors (bnc#870234) * fix undo of paragraph attributes (bnc#828598) * stop-gap solution to avoid crash (bnc#830205) * import images with duotone filter (bnc#820077) * missing drop downs for autofilter (bnc#834705) * typos in first page style creation (bnc#820836) * labels wrongly interpreted as dates (bnc#834720) * RTF import of fFilled shape property (bnc#825305) * placeholders text size is not correct (bnc#831457) * cells value formatted with wrong output (bnc#821795) * RTF import of freeform shape coordinates (bnc#823655) * styles (rename &) copy to different decks (bnc#757432) * XLSX Chart import with internal data table (bnc#819822) * handle M.d.yyyy date format in DOCX import (bnc#820509) * paragraph style in empty first page header (bnc#823651) * copying slides having same master page name (bnc#753460) * printing handouts using the default, 'Order' (bnc#835985) * wrap polygon was based on dest size of picture (bnc#820800) * added common flags support for SEQ field import (bnc#825976) * hyperlinks of illustration index in DOCX export (bnc#834035) * allow insertion of redlines with an empty author (bnc#837302) * handle drawinglayer rectangle inset in VML import (bnc#779642) * don't apply complex font size to non-complex font (bnc#820819) * issue with negative seeks in win32 shell extension (bnc#829017) * slide appears quite garbled when imported from PPTX (bnc#593612) * initial MCE support in writerfilter ooxml tokenizer (bnc#820503) * MSWord uses \xb for linebreaks in DB fields, take 2 (bnc#878854) * try harder to convert floating tables to text frames (bnc#779620) * itemstate in parent style incorrectly reported as set (bnc#819865) * default color hidden by Default style in writerfilter (bnc#820504) * DOCX document crashes when using internal OOXML filter (bnc#382137) * ugly workaround for external leading with symbol fonts (bnc#823626) * followup fix for exported xlsx causes errors for mso2007 (bnc#823935) * we only support simple labels in the InternalDataProvider (bnc#864396) * RTF import: fix import of numbering bullet associated font (bnc#823675) * page specific footer extended to every pages in DOCX export (bnc#654230) * v:textbox mso-fit-shape-to-text style property in VML import (bnc#820788) * w:spacing in a paragraph should also apply to as-char objects (bnc#780044) * compatibility setting for MS Word wrapping text in less space (bnc#822908) * fix SwWrtShell::SelAll() to work with empty table at doc start (bnc#825891)
Security Issues:
* CVE-2014-3575 * CVE-2013-4156