Vulnerability Name: | CVE-2002-0006 (CCN-7856) | ||||||||
Assigned: | 2002-01-09 | ||||||||
Published: | 2002-01-09 | ||||||||
Updated: | 2017-10-10 | ||||||||
Summary: | XChat 1.8.7 and earlier, including default configurations of 1.4.2 and 1.4.3, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary IRC commands as other clients via encoded characters in a PRIVMSG command that calls CTCP PING, which expands the characters in the client response when the percascii variable is set. | ||||||||
CVSS v3 Severity: | 7.3 High (CCN CVSS v3.1 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L)
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CVSS v2 Severity: | 7.5 High (CVSS v2 Vector: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)
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Vulnerability Type: | CWE-Other | ||||||||
Vulnerability Consequences: | Gain Privileges | ||||||||
References: | Source: CCN Type: BugTraq Mailing List, Wed Jan 09 2002 - 03:45:13 CST xchat IRC session hijacking vulnerability (versions 1.4.1, 1.4.2) Source: MITRE Type: CNA CVE-2002-0006 Source: CCN Type: Conectiva Linux Announcement CLSA-2002:453 xchat Source: CONECTIVA Type: UNKNOWN CLA-2002:453 Source: BUGTRAQ Type: UNKNOWN 20020109 xchat IRC session hijacking vulnerability (versions 1.4.1, 1.4.2) Source: CCN Type: Hewlett-Packard Security Bulletin HPSBTL0201-016 Bug in CTCP PING handling code. Source: HP Type: UNKNOWN HPSBTL0201-016 Source: CCN Type: RHSA-2002-005 Updated xchat packages are available Source: REDHAT Type: UNKNOWN RHSA-2002:005 Source: DEBIAN Type: Patch, Vendor Advisory DSA-099 Source: DEBIAN Type: DSA-099 xchat -- IRC session hijacking Source: CCN Type: OSVDB ID: 5423 XChat PRIVMSG Encoded Characters Arbitrary Command Execution Source: BID Type: UNKNOWN 3830 Source: CCN Type: BID-3830 X-Chat CTCP Ping Arbitrary Remote IRC Command Execution Vulnerability Source: CCN Type: X-Chat Web site xchat Source: XF Type: UNKNOWN xchat-ctcp-ping-command(7856) Source: XF Type: UNKNOWN xchat-ctcp-ping-command(7856) | ||||||||
Vulnerable Configuration: | Configuration 1: Configuration CCN 1: ![]() | ||||||||
Oval Definitions | |||||||||
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