Vulnerability Name: | CVE-2005-0664 (CCN-19622) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Assigned: | 2004-03-03 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Published: | 2004-03-03 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Updated: | 2018-10-03 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Summary: | Buffer overflow in the EXIF library (libexif) 0.6.9 does not properly validate the structure of the EXIF tags, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a JPEG image with a crafted EXIF tag. | ||||||||||||||||||||
CVSS v3 Severity: | 3.7 Low (CCN CVSS v3.1 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)
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CVSS v2 Severity: | 2.6 Low (CVSS v2 Vector: AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)
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Vulnerability Type: | CWE-Other | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vulnerability Consequences: | Gain Access | ||||||||||||||||||||
References: | Source: CCN Type: BugTraq Mailing List, Mon Mar 07 2005 - 11:18:51 CST [USN-91-1] EXIF library vulnerability Source: MITRE Type: CNA CVE-2005-0664 Source: CCN Type: Conectiva Linux Security Announcement CLSA-2005:960 Fix for libexif buffer overflow vulnerability Source: CCN Type: RHSA-2005-300 libexif security update Source: CCN Type: SA17705 Sun Solaris/JDS libexif EXIF Tag Structure Validation Vulnerability Source: SECUNIA Type: UNKNOWN 17705 Source: CCN Type: SECTRACK ID: 1013398 libexif Buffer Overflow in Processing EXIF Headers May Let Remote Users Crash the Application or Execute Arbitrary Code Source: SECTRACK Type: Patch 1013398 Source: CCN Type: Project: EXIF Tag Parsing Library: Summary Source: SUNALERT Type: UNKNOWN 102041 Source: CCN Type: Sun Alert ID: 102041 Security Vulnerability in the libexif JPEG Image Processing Library Source: CCN Type: CIAC INFORMATION BULLETIN P-184 libexif Source: DEBIAN Type: Patch DSA-709 Source: DEBIAN Type: DSA-709 libexif -- buffer overflow Source: CCN Type: GLSA-200503-17 libexif: Buffer overflow vulnerability Source: GENTOO Type: Patch GLSA-200503-17 Source: MANDRAKE Type: UNKNOWN MDKSA-2005:064 Source: REDHAT Type: UNKNOWN RHSA-2005:300 Source: CCN Type: BID-12744 EXIF Library EXIF Tag Parsing Unspecified Memory Corruption Vulnerability Source: CCN Type: TLSA-2005-41 Buffer overflow vulnerability exists in libexif Source: CCN Type: USN-91-1 EXIF library vulnerability Source: VUPEN Type: UNKNOWN ADV-2005-0240 Source: VUPEN Type: UNKNOWN ADV-2005-2565 Source: MISC Type: Patch Source: XF Type: UNKNOWN libexif-exif-library-bo(19622) Source: OVAL Type: UNKNOWN oval:org.mitre.oval:def:10832 Source: UBUNTU Type: UNKNOWN USN-91-1 Source: SUSE Type: SUSE-SR:2005:011 SUSE Security Summary Report | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vulnerable Configuration: | Configuration 1: Configuration RedHat 1: Configuration CCN 1: ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||
Oval Definitions | |||||||||||||||||||||
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